Her name was Marlina. She had sensed the others and myself coming weeks ahead, but could not figure our exact location. She could smell Adrian’s blood from beyond the alley and she knew that there were others. Marlina was another child of Adrian’s, searching for him. Unlike myself, she had made no children of her own, and killed very few innocents. She fed here and there, to supplement her hunger, and only killed if attacked, or protecting. That was her story at least. Somehow I sensed that it was the present she was talking about. Each of us had made our mistakes in the beginning. Even my brother killed innocents his first few nights, not able to pull away until that critical moment where even his life was at jeopardy.

However, this was not her reason for relocating me out of the street. She had been followed. A slayer. I thought slayers were myths, but I also thought vampires were, so I said very little to this revelation. It seemed she had been stuck here for a number of weeks, trying to leave, but always being followed by this slayer; a young girl by the name of Cassandra. I could do nothing but listen to this girl’s stories of battle after battle, very few that were actually hers to tell, but the others were no longer able to tell their stories.

She waited for a response, but I had nothing to say. No reason to reply. No reason to fear for the life that I could no longer call mine. She sat on the bed, next to where I had seated myself while listening to her tale. She touched my cheek, and I realized it was not her heart I heard, but indeed blood. Not her blood, but the blood of many souls. I could smell life, and pain, and humanity. It had been long since I had fed, and I could almost taste all that flowed through her veins.

Her kiss was delicate, and she seemed expectant, waiting for this moment. My tongue caressed hers and I tasted the fresh blood. I leaned forward, against her body, lowering her to the bed. Our bodies lied across one another, warming one another. I stopped, not understanding my weakness. What happens between to vampire lovers? What sensations occur? I had experience lovemaking as a vampire, but always with another human. Was it so different with another of my kind?

She understood my thoughts, this I knew. I could understand hers, without actually knowing what they were. Her lips caressed my ear. Her teeth were on my neck, and memories flowed through my mind, and sensations through my body. Her skin was a deep peach. Blood had livened her death. Her body was bare of clothing. I had not seen her remove her clothes, or even recalled how mine had fallen to the floor. We were there, wrapped in each other’s body’s. Not touching. Not kissing. But somehow intertwined.

She set herself upon the bed, her body ready; her loins moist with desire. My hands felt her thighs, strong in life once, and even stronger in death. I could feel her dampness, and put my lips on her soft labia. I could taste each victim she had taken, and taste the person she must have been in life.

My tongue ran up her body, until it found her nipples; soft, delicate. At my touch, each nipple became erect and detectible. As I began to suck at her nipples, I could feel fluid flowing freely into my own mouth. I could feel the blood running into my body. She had expected this. She knew that she would join together with me on this night. We would become stronger. I pulled away for a moment. Her body was full of blood she had no use for; blood that I needed.

The blood flowed through my body, and I became erect, anticipating all that Marlina had to offer. I entered her slowly, feeling her wetness. She was warm, no, hot, and moaned as she pushed her body up against mine. I kissed her again, and let her own blood flow into her mouth. We were one.

As I pushed against her body, she pulsed against me in ecstasy. My lips kissed her neck, and began to feed upon her body. I could feel her strength entering me. Yet, at the same time, my very own strength was leaving my body. Her lips had found my skin and had begun to taste my flesh, my blood. Our bodies continued to pulse against one another, each of our strengths leaving and entering simultaneously. I could feel myself moan, wanting more, needing more.

Our lips broke as we both cried back in a moment of complete sex. No other word could describe what was happening. Human orgasm showed no comparison to what had just happened between these two beings. Marlina and I had become one entity. We were connected through more than blood now. Connected as Davis and I were, yet he had been human when I made him. Connected as Markus and I were, but he too had been human. He was also my brother. We were connected through blood; our parents’ and each others’. No. Marlina and I had a much stronger connection. We were both children of Adrian. We both were filled with the blood and the sex of this elder, and were now filled with the others’, as well as our own.

Before we could speak, my clothes were once again upon my body, and I reached for the door. She said nothing, but looked at me, longing for me. I took her hand, and before long, we were both clothed and flying off into the countryside. No humans. No slayers. No worries.

The next nightfall, my children had returned to me. They asked no questions of Marlina, but we all knew that it was time to leave. There was jealousy in Mark’s eyes, and I felt sorry for him. I wonder if we would ever connect as Marlina and I had. It would be a much more powerful union, I am sure. He was my brother, and I had desired him for long, but I must wait for him to come to me.

We all knew what our mission was. We set out once again to find our maker, our leader, our father. Marlina rode with me into the night as the others followed.

As we rode into the countryside, I smelled human flesh. It would have to wait. We were safe for now. The others would find out in time.

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