Chapter 4-the hour before dinner

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*Jerome's POV*

As I watched Mitch leave I couldn't move. There was only one thing I could do. I ran I ran back home. I didn't care if the rest of team crafted thought I was crazy, I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't believe the fact that Mitch was being taken away from me. I just couldn't. I ran all the way home and into my room. I just wanted to leave, leave and go meet my mom and dad. I wanted to leave and just disappear.

*Ian's POV* (this was before Jerome got home and the rest of it is while Jerome's at home)

I was wandering around the mall, shopping for some gaming equipment. I noticed Jerome running past me. I then saw Ty, Riya, Adam, Tyler, Tania and Jason up ahead. I went up to them and said " what's wrong with Jerome?. And where's Mitch? he usually comforts him at a time like this." Jason answered. He said "I honestly don't know what's wrong with Jerome and well Mitch. He's.... oh he's right over there." I saw Mitch walking over happy as can be. I yelled at Mitch. "MITCH!! How could you be soo HAPPY when your best friend is upset!!!???" Mitch went from extremely happy to shocked and worried.

*Mitch's POV*

I was shocked. Why would Jerome be upset? I had to find out. I said bye to everyone before leaving for the team crafted house. While I was driving I was worried and wondered about Jerome but then my brain shifted to thinking about tonight. How Katy would dress, what she would look like all dressed up and just plain everything. As I entered the driveway I noticed Jerome's room's light was on. I knew he was there because he never left his room's light on when he left. He was very persistent and carful. As I entered the house I went up to his room and stopped. I listened to only hear crying. I was glad I heard at least something coming from his room. I knocked on the door. "Biggums?" I said. I heard the crying stop. The door opened and there was Jerome. He looked like he had been crying for 3 hours straight. His eyes were red and there were stains on his cheeks where the tears had made a path and rolled down. I was worried. "b....b...biggums. What happened?" I asked a hint of terror in my voice. "L....L...Like you would care Mitch!" Jerome snapped. I pulled him into comforting hug. "It'll be alright biggums, it'll be alright." It was then I noticed the knife in his room which was never there before.

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