"Wait wait wait, where are you going?" Luke finally becomes aware of his surroundings again. "Home. I'm tired," I frown exhaustedly. "Why don't you guys stay here?" He suggests, looking to Ashton and Calum for a yes or no but they're both fast asleep.

"Again, not your home. And no offense but we don't exactly know you guys." "First off, I'm definitely a bit offended," Luke starts. "But how about we put you up in a hotel at least?" "No. No. You're not paying for us to stay in a hotel when my mom lives 30 minutes away."

"Then I'm calling you a car," he states. "What? No. We brought my car." "And you can come get it tomorrow. You're half asleep, it'd be like letting you drive home drunk." He follows us all the way to the door. "Will you stop being so clingy," I tease.

He gapes. "I am not clingy." "Oh, but you are. In fact, I'm positive the minute I walk outside this door you're going to call me," I grin, noticing how close we were standing. "You wish," he shoots back. "No. I wish you didn't. I can just imagine how much nicer my skin would be if I got the right amount of sleep every night."

"Ha. Ha." Luke narrows his tired blue eyes at me. "You're the one who doesn't let me sleep." "Yeah. Okay Luke. Sure," I pat his hard chest and step outside into the hall.

"I'll be back for my car tomorrow," I inform with a yawn. "We still have a lot to talk about." He nods. "I know." "I'll see you tomorrow then," I offer a lazy smile. "Wait. P," Luke takes a step into the hall as we're nearing the elevator. "Hm?" I turn back around.

"You don't uh, you don't actually mind do you? I can stop calling so late...i-if you want," he sputters out nervously. My heart warms. "No Luke, I don't mind." He lets out a sigh of relief.

"Goodnight Lu," I giggle softly. "Goodnight P."


"So," Haley nudges me the next afternoon. "So?" I drawl, taking a sip of coffee. "Yesterday," she prompts. "Yeah, that happened..." I'm not really sure what she was fishing for but she clearly thought I had something to spill that she didn't already know.

She sighs. "How was it? Was it everything you thought it was going to be? He's actually quite gorgeous." "I mean, you were there. And yeah I guess he's alright," I shrug. "Just alright? What are you- just tell me how it was for you, did you guys talk?" She rolls her eyes.

"It was cool, we didn't really talk other than with all of you." "Cool? El. You're killing me here. I need details and how you guys locked eyes and instantly knew and it was everything you thought it was going to be." I watch in amusement as she moves her arms and clenches her hands on her chest dramatically.

"Um, yeah. I don't know where you were or who you think you're best friends with because clearly you're mistaken." Her lips turn down. "Ellie."

"What? I've been telling you and Sean the same thing since day one. This isn't one of your romcoms. This is real life. Where people can just be friends. I know that's hard for you to wrap your head around but please try." She looks deflated. Like I just grabbed her cupcake and threw it on the ground.

"Tell me you didn't feel something yesterday when you saw him," she challenges. "Other than being embarrassed that he hadn't even invited me there, yeah. I felt nothing. Not anything romantic anyway," I insist. Which wasn't a lie. We were friends. Nothing more.

"When are you going to stop kidding yourself Penelope. Everyone in that damn place felt it," Haley huffs. "Felt what? Friendship." "You're so irritating." "Ditto," I wink at her, finishing up my coffee.

"Have you spoken today?" She opts for a semi change of conversation. It feels like a trick question. I'm not sure whether to lie or tell the truth. "He texted earlier," I reply nonchalant. "What did he say?" She leans forward, eyes dancing with interest.

"He asked when I was going to go get my car," I chuckle. It was far from romantic or flirty which I knew she was hoping for. "Whatever," she mutters. "When are you going to go get it?" She adds.

"Don't know yet, think my mom wanted me to go shopping with her for a bit today." "Good! I have a couple people to say my hello's to and I was worried I'd miss out," Haley grins. "Right. And who exactly invited you?" I tilt my head curiously.

"You can't go without me El, I'm already too invested. I need to see this play out," she pouts. "Well who said I was seeing him again today anyway? I was just planning on getting my car. It's not like it's parked in Calum and Ashton's apartment."

"Well why else do you think he asked you?" Haley says with a small laugh. "I don't know? Making conversation?" Haley rolls her eyes for the umpteenth time since coming over. "So naive," she tuts, getting up from her seat at the countertop. "I'll meet you back here in a couple hours."

"Haley. I'm just getting my car," I call out to her as she walks towards the door. "Text me when you're home from shopping!" She calls back over her shoulder.

I let out a deep sigh with the sound of the front door shutting.

This was going to be a long day.

Bleh this one was more of a filler if you couldn't already tell. Next chapter will hopefully have more P and Luke and cute stuff .....and maybe even a lil jealous Luke. 👀

Comments & votes are always a nice push in the updating direction! <3 (:

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