Chapter 2: A different side of Mom

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I couldn't wait for mom to finish talking about her recent outings with her fellow menopausal friends and just leave me alone.

She had disturbed me while I was on the computer, and to top it off I was drawing. I don't like to be disturbed when I'm doing something, much less when I'm drawing. So I was in a real pissy mood already, and now I had to hear about some 'sexy' 50 year old masseuse that rubbed my fucking mom.

Smile and nod, I told myself. Smile and nod. I turned around, looking for a reason to kick her out, or an excuse to push her out the door.

I looked straight into the kitchen, and thought of something. I hadn't gone for groceries in a few days and I had gotten paid a few days ago. It wouldn't hurt to go shopping. 

" Hey mom, sorry to interrupt you, but I just remembered that I have to go grocery shopping so I'm gonna have to ... Ya know... Leave...."

She opened her eyes wide and nodded in approval. "Oh that's fine, I was probably boring you to death anyways, hahaha " her laugh was strange and clearly wasn't genuine.

I gave her a toothy grin I was hoping she couldn't see through, "No, not at all mom." I shook my head while speaking, I backed up a bit and grabbed my hoodie and keys and slipped on my converse as I drove my mother and brothers out of the door.

My mom put her hands on the boy's back and pushed them into her minivan. All I could think of was 'Soccer Mom'. It kinda made me sick, she never was one of those, not to me anyways.

I turned around, locked my front door and walked down the steps in front of my apartment and got into my black Scion. I rolled down the window of the passenger side as my mother did the same.

" Well I'll make sure to pick up your mail. How long did you say you were gonna be gone? "

She blinked and stared at me blankly for a bit and spoke,

" Oh uh... Just a few weeks..."

I nodded my head and smiled a little, I stared at my hands on the steering wheel, not sure what to say next.

She broke the silence and said, " Well, I guess I'll see you in a few weeks."

I nodded and backed out of my driveway, relieved that the worst was over. My mom waved quickly and drove away, as I nodded and drove in the opposite way towards Costco.

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