The Confrontation Ch.4

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Published by Kitkat21 at WattpadCopyright 2011 Kitkat21 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Any unauthorized copying, broadcasting, performing in part or in whole of any aspect of this book will constitute an infringement of copyright. If copyright is infringed author may stop writing. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

Chapter 4

Conrad's POV

I haven't even had sex before last night.' A at Twenty-one you don't see that a whole lot. Least not at many of Rob's parties. Not that I thought she was a whore but I defiantly wasn't expecting a virgin. I tried calling after Harper but before I realized she went in the woods. I went in after silly woman! Their's all kind of things in there, she could get hurt. I called after her for an hour in the woods then went back to the house, I didn't even her number.

Damn I didn't even know where she lived or who her friends were. Wait she was talking to that girl dancing with Chad before we left. I need to find her. I walked in the house then ran up the stairs and jumped in the shower. I scrubbed up and rinsed then hopped out and dried off. I ran a comb through my hair pulled a shirt and jeans on that I found on my desk and ran back down stairs. I needed to call Rob and find out who that girl was that knows Harper.

I picked up my cell off the kitchen table and dialed Rob. Come on pick up! Pick up!

"Yeah?" Rob answered.

"Hey Rob, man do you know who that girl dancing with Chad is?" I asked quickly hopping he knew.

"Woah man didn't you leave with a chick...moving on the next one already! Damn and I thought I was bad."

"No man that's her friend I-" I tried to get out but he was already talking.

"Wow the friend good job bro!" Rob said I loved the guy but he was an ass sometimes. I mean I did one night stands most of the time but I always made sure that knew it and I wouldn't got after the friend. Well ok maybe depends on the girl, damn maybe I'm just as bad.

"No I just -look do you know who she is?" I asked roughly with aggravation dripping from my voice.

"Well some one needs a nap!" He teased. "I don't know man I think her name was Kathy or Kate I don't know. Sorry man." He said slurring a bit.

I hung up and looked though my phone I knew I didn't have Chad's number, because the guy always rubbed me the wrong way. So I always avoided him but I needed to talk to Harper, I wanted to get to know her. For the first time I found a one night stand that I kinda wanted to try for more even friends, she seemed cool and I remember her asking if I play COD last night.

 Frustrated I threw my phone on the couch and grabbed my car keys and headed for the door. I turned around and went back for my phone I might need it if I get her number.

I stared my 1967 Chevrolet Impala I love this car I fixed it up myself my dad never cared for it and it use to be my grandfathers. I knew Chad worked at Subway so I went there hoping I could find him.

I pulled into Subway's shut off the car and ran in Chad was chatting up some teen girl in a halter top and shorts. She looked about fifteen with the freckles on her nose. I walked up to Chad and grunted letting him know I was there. He looked up and made some excuse to the young girl probably because I was glaring at him. I knew the guy was a prick but a prick that had answers I needed, at least I hoped.

"Conrad, what's up bro?" Chad said as he leaned on the counter, giving me a confused look.

" you remember the girl you we're with last night? Do you have her number or know where she lives?" I asked tapping my foot hoping he knew.

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