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"Why even try?" a little voice whispers in my head.

"The road on which you try to tread is far too complicated."

"Who are you?" I ask.

"I am the voice of truth, and I say this road is not an easy task."

Maybe the voice is right, I thought.

The obstacles scattered across the road leaves me distraught.

So much frustration bottled up

That I completely gave up.

Then, another voice popped in my mind

"Confidence is what you need to find."

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am your true voice, do not leave this road unsurpassed."

"But the voice of truth says it is impossible!" I said to the voice.

"What you do is entirely your choice."

"But the difficult obstacles!" I cried.

"Do not let the voice of 'truth' be your guide," the voice replied.

"Confidence is what will fuel you

To tread the road through

The voice of truth is just a demon playing you for a fool

To him you are nothing but his little tool."

Then I finally realized

His voice sounded so idealized

Now I know

That I must tread down that road.

No matter what obstacles get in my way

I know that confidence will be my aid.

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