Shu Sakamaki • ¥๏µя $๏ɲǥ •

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"Shu!" (Name)'s stern voice boomed grimly through the room, though faltering a little bit in the end. Denoting that she was alarmed and horrified.

"You did it again!" She said, balling her hands into fists."They were completely innocent, they did nothing this time!" Her voice wavered. The blonde male sat, slouched back on the settee, seemingly comfortable and calm. Shu's eyes were affixed on (Name)'s terrified form.

"That's it!" Her (E/c) orbs flashed, looking straight into his sapphire hues.

"I'm tired..Tired of your egoness, your obsessiveness, your arrogance and on top of all I'm tired of you." Her tone decreased, as she gritted her teeth.

"All I did..was accept that little request from those kids..I just sang a simple lullaby.." (Name) paused.

"And you killed them.." She hoped atleast a minimal amount of predicament from the male.

"I-I can't stay here anymore!" Small, little, salty water droplets spilled out her eyes, one-by-one trailing down her cheeks and chin.

Shu slouched forward instantly at her statement. His sapphire orbs glaring at (Name), though he was quiet. For a moment, silence was filled in the room except for (Name)'s unsteady breathing.

"I-" She was interrupted when Shu finally spoke.

"You can't..You won't go, I'll simply never let you." Unexpectedly, his voice was serene and calm. He stagnantly stood up and ambled towards (Name), his tall height towering over her seemingly small figure. (Name)'s wobbly legs begged her to back up but, she refused to. Her (E/c) orbs fearfully gawked at his tedious ones. Her eyebrows were knitted together in exasperation and anger.

She whirled towards the door "...And how will you stop me?" She murmured loud enough for him to hear.

Before she could even take a step forward, her wrist was grasped tightly and she was tugged forcefully, causing her head to collide with Shu's chest. He held her squirming form in a rigid embrace.

And there was the answer to her question.

"No one is allowed to touch you or even hear your voice!" His tone immediately increased, which caused (Name) to shrink back.

"I-In that case, you're not allowed to 'touch me or hear my voice' either! L-Let go!" (Name) declared.

"If I can't have you, obviously no one else can!" He exclaimed. One of his hands snaked up to her throat. Promptly, she was knocked off of her feet and her back hit the hard ground with force, coursing excruciating pain through her feeble body. With Shu's weight on her frame it was nearly impossible for (Name) to move. He slowly began to squeeze her throat, blocking her trachea, and ceasing any oxygen from reaching her lungs. She flailed her arms around, pitifully gasping for air.

"S-Spare m-me!" She managed to utter between her abject panting and gasping.

Shu's grip on her neck weakened, allowing oxygen to pass through (Name)'s trachea. "Spare you...?" He snickered. "First, sing for me.." He cooed at her.

Just as (Name)'s lungs received adequate air, without a thought, she began to sing, clutching onto her dear life.

Her voice was melodious and harmonious, it rang throughout the room. A tuneful lullaby that would put all to tranquility.

Shu leisurely released her neck, revealing vivid red marks on her skin. His hand surreptitiously snaked down to her waist, his muscular arms seductively entwined around it.

"Oh, I just love it when I hear your tuneful voice." He said.
A tempting smirk dangled on the corner of his lips. "Let's hear it in the other  way around, shall we?"

*Wink wink*

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