Dragons and Wyrms

Start from the beginning

The third hound was savaging Geoffrey's arms while his friends tried to get it off him. I sighed and snapped my fingers at my own hound. "Hunt." I said. My hound leaped forward and tackled the other hound, quickly ending its life. I looked at Geoffrey. "Alright to stand?" I asked as his friends healed him.

"Why did you help me?" He asked, still in shock.

'I wanted to test my Hounds Fighting capabilities.' I thought simply. "Don't take it to heart. You're not my friend. But why would I simply watch you die? Terribly useless of me. If I want you dead I just have to kill you." I shrugged.

He glared at me, regaining his composure. "I didn't need your help, you foul mouthed little demon!"

"Oh? Titus, heel." My hound, who I now realized was the alpha of this pack, stood beside me. His back reached my ribs. "Would you like to try again?" I asked. He looked away, not giving me an answer. I nodded. "That is what I thought."

I walked back over to Sam, and Titus immediately began dominating Sam's bitch. I sighed. "Sorry, Sam. Didn't see that coming."

He shrugged. "If she gets pregnant, I'll have puppies to train."

The teacher coughed into his fist. "Very impressive, sir Damian. Now, if ye'll remove this barrier so I can continue the class?"

"Aye, teacher." I waved a hand and dissolved it, then as an afterthought touched my blade to the hounds carcass. "Feast, Hubris." The body was sucked into the blade, and the blood added to the blood vial.

It was filled with all the blood that father had ever spilt in his crusades against the demons and humans, and it was a great asset. Certain spells required a specific blood to cast, and I had one of almost every blood, including Geoffrey's now. It hung from my neck, in the shape of a thin brass cylinder, a relic 'Bullet' of old.

The other students began attempting to tame their own beasts, and I sat down with Titus, Sam, and his bitch, which he hadn't named yet. She laid in his lap, spent now, while Titus sat proudly next to me.

I chuckled and rubbed his ears and face. I looked at the teacher. "Can we keep them?"

"Of course, but they don't leave the Forest, as there's liable to be accidents if they do." He said.

I nodded. "Interesting." I moved Titus into my box, and Ira began playing with him, fetch of all things, with a rabbit hide.

The teacher blinked, scratched his head, and shrugged. "Alrighty then. Anyway. Class!-"


"Alright. Class is half over, so I suppose that's enough for now. I'd like to show ye all somethin'. Does everyone know what a Wyrm is?" My fifth class was on demon knowledge, and I was unlucky enough to have Geoffrey and Pera and Drake in that class as well.

"Sure, one's sitting over there." Geoffrey smirked.

I slowly stood, and snorted, fire leaving my nostrils. "Do not make me end you, Geoffrey, son of Adam. Continue testing me, and I will not care about the war your death will cause, and my kingdom will win." He looked away, and I sat down.

"Thank you. Prince Damian, for volunteering to tell us the difference between Dragons and Wyrms." The teacher said dryly.

I stood again. "Yes, miss. The differences between Dragons and Wyrms are plethorant. We are fundamentally different. They are to us what apes are to you. Lesser evolved distant cousins."

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