You can almost hear the fibers of the wood snapping under the pressure of the banging, and the boy trying to barricade the door.

The zombie gets his arm in somehow, making me jump, and Jen squeal. “Shhh.” The boy orders. He’s trying to be brave, but everyone’s afraid now. I can see his hands trembling, as he tries to push the door the opposite way.

The boy I still don’t know the name of, starts using his own mop to jab the thing’s fingers. 

The creature moans in frustration. 

“I’m going to open the door.” The boy says. “NO!” I say, in an angry tone. He can’t do that, that’s putting all of us in danger. There are obviously more than the one that’s trying to eat us for dinner. 

“We have to! Do you want to be eaten inside of a mop closet?” He asks. “Like a classroom would be any better.” I scoff. I grip onto my mop harder, making my hands and fingers sore. 

“I’m opening it.” He says. 

I sigh, I’m obviously not going to win.

“Wait! We don’t even know what to do when you open the door!” I  shout back.

“Easy,” He says, “Kill it.”

“How?!” Jen asks, I can hear her breathing shallowing, she’s probably crying.  

“You’ll know once you see it.” He says, and turns the doorknob slowly. 

When the door’s fully open, the zombie moans, and starts walking towards us. 

Jen screams, and backs up behind the racks we keep mops on, along with three other kids. 

I run forward to help the kid, he can’t do this on his own, and no one is helping him. 

I’ve seen plenty of zombie movies and shows in my  lifetime to know that you’re suppose to get them in the head. I just never thought I would have to use that in real life... ever. 

My hands are shaking now. I grip even harder on the mop, trying to stop them from shaking, and making me look weak. 

I shut my eyes, and start jabbing the air with the wooden end of the mop, which doesn’t do any good. “Open your eyes!” The boy shouts. “No!” I shout back, my knees wobbling, making me nearly lose my balance.

I feel as if I can’t move, like I’m numb. I’m trying as hard as I can to feel, but all I feel is a tingling.

I open one eye, and see the zombie, or whatever it is,  straight in front of the boy. 

I walk up behind it, draw up my mop and try to stab it in the back of the head. 

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