Chapter 1

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I really wish something interesting would happen, I think to myself as my professor drones on and on about ‘supply and demand’. To keep myself conscious, I played Candy Crush on my phone and then proceeded to stalk Tumblr till at long last the lecture ends and we are freed. I stretch, gather my bag and purse and race out of the business building.

Instead of cutting through Bracken Library like usual, I decide to walk through campus to get to my apartment because for once it’s a beautiful day in Muncie, Indiana.  The sun is shining, the leaves are crisp, and there’s a breeze. In no time I make it to, what Ball State students refer to as, The Village. I live in an apartment with my two closest college friends. It’s got bars, coffee shops, little stores, the book stores, everything a college kid needs to survive.

Upon entering my apartment, I notice I’m the first one home. I breathe a sigh of happiness. I love my roomies, but it’s nice to have time alone. I walk to my room, dump my books, and then open my Mac to the website that showed One Direction’s tour dates. They arrived in Indianapolis today and have a concert tomorrow.

It drives me nuts that they’re a half hour away and I won’t be there. Yes, I’m well aware of the fact that I’m a college girl that loves a boy band but I don’t care. My roommates Michael and Ali constantly give me shit for it.  I hear a noise by my front door and my head snaps up from my Mac. I close it, lay it on the bed, and go out to see what’s going on.

There’s pounding at my front door and I open it thinking Allie or Mike forgot their keys. Instead I am almost knocked over as 5 mysterious hooded figures run in, the last one slamming the door behind them.

Now I’m terrified. Am I going to get killed? Raped? What’s happening?! I try to calm myself down and turn my attention to the strangers who are trying to catch their breath. Once they do they take off their hoodies. And in front of me stand Liam Payne, Louis Tomlinson, Zayn Malik, Niall Horan and- my personal favorite- Harry Styles.


I take a second to process this. All 5 members One Direction are standing in the living room. What the actual fuck?

The Break In: Harry Styles/1D fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now