"I thought I was going to lose you." He whispered. She hugged him tight again.

"You should know better." She murmured into his chest. He loved the way her cheek was resting on his heart. He wondered if she could hear how rapidly it was beating for her. It felt so natural for her to be in his arms. He couldn't begin to describe it if he tried but it just felt...right. He did not want this moment to end.

Justin tapped JC on the shoulder. "Sorry to break this up but I think we've been spotted. We should go." Justin pointed at a group of girls who were staring, mouths agape, and pointing at Justin and JC.

He turned back to Carey. "Is this all the luggage you brought?"


"That's it?" Justin asked incredulously.

"W hat can I say? I'm a low maintenance kind a'gal." She smiled widely at Justin and Alex. Allistar, noticing the group of fans was beginning to get louder, quickly shooed them out the doors to where Jake was waiting in a big black suburban. They loaded up into the vehicle and left the airport behind.

"By the way, I'm Carey." She held her hand out to shake with Alex.

"Hi, I'm Alex. This is Justin." Alex smiled and took her hand.

"Hi, nice to meet you." Justin replied.

"Oh you would be the trouble maker that Josh always refers to on the phone. I've heard a lot about you." Carey laughed at the surprised look that came across Justin's face.

"Did he tell you all bad things about me?" Justin asked trying to hide his blush.

"If he did, they were all true." Alex added with a wink and then groaned when Justin elbowed her in the ribs.


Josh carried Carey's bag into her hotel room and dropped it in the closet. Carey squealed with delight when she spotted something on the bed. She ran over and picked up a big, stuffed Eeyore and hugged it. "Oh my." Eeyore moped and Carey burst into laughter.

"Josh! This is hilarious. Thanks so much!"

"I knew you'd like him." He smiled and sat down on the bed. "So what do you want to do tonight. You have me all to yourself."

"I don't know. What did you have in mind?" She cuddled up beside him and rested her head on his thigh.

"This works for me." He ran his fingers through her hair.

"Mmmm me too. Can we do this all day tomorrow too?"

Josh laughed. "Sorry, I have a photo shoot tomorrow."

"Ohhhh what am I gonna do?" Carey wailed and then stuck out her bottom lip.

"You are so cute when you pout." He leaned over and kissed her on the end of her nose. "Alex is going shopping. She said she'd really appreciate having another female to go shopping with. You're welcome to go along."

"That would be okay, I guess. She seems real nice. I have to find something to wear to the birthday party too."

"Yeah, she really is a good friend. If it hadn't been for her, I probably would have never phoned you."

"I'll have to remember to thank her." Carey giggled. "How is that song coming along? Have you added more to it lately?"

JC immediately donned a far-away look.. "Yes, I've finished it."

"Oh cool, are you going to let me read it?" Carey sat up and looked at him curiously.

"I've already given it to someone. You don't get to read it. You'll get to hear it."

"You're going to sing it? When? At the party next week?"

JC held up his hand. "Too many questions!" He laughed at her excitement. "I'm not singing it. Alex is making her debut at the party and she will be singing it then."

Carey's smile faded. "I have to wait that long? You promised that I could read something of yours since I let you read my poem." Carey thought for a minute. "In fact you've hard more than one of my poems. Three to be exact."

"Three?" JC exclaimed. "I can only remember two. The one I read at your apartment and the one you read to me on the phone. I really liked that one. When did I hear the other one?"

Carey smiled softly. "That day by the window... in the rain."

"How could I forget?" JC's gaze locked with hers. They sat quiet for a moment, lost in each other.

"I...um... finished that one too. Wanna read it?" Carey hopped off the bed and opened her duffel bag before JC could answer. She flipped open her notebook to the right page and handed it to him.

She bounded up and down on her knees and watched him as he read.

Rain beats

Against my pain

Please come in,

To touch my skin.

Carry away my sadness,

Wash away my grief.

Fall gently down upon my brow

But it can't rain everyday, now,

Can it?

"Carey! It's very difficult to read with you jumping on the bed."

"Oh sorry." She got to her feet and jumped harder. "How's this? Is this better?" She jumped harder still and giggled louder. "How about now? Is this better?"

JC threw the notebook down and began to jump beside her. "Has anyone ever told you, you are crazy?"

"Yeah." She was still jumping. "Granny Jo said I got it from her." Carey fell on to the bed in a fit of giggles while JC tried to jump enough to make her fall off. He finally stopped when she begged for mercy that her sides were going to split from laughing so hard. He flopped down on the bed beside her and tried to catch his breath.

They both stared up at the ceiling, breathing heavily and trying not to giggle. Carey rolled onto her side and laid her arm across JC's waist. Propping her head up on he hand, she studied his features.

"What?" He asked. Without replying, Carey leaned into him and pressed her lips to his. JC widened his eyes in surprise at her boldness and then closed them. He parted his lips and let her tongue explore his mouth. A small groan escaped her lips as his breath mingled with hers.

"You should do that more often." She finally said, breaking off the kiss.

"Is that a request or an order?" JC mumbled as he trailed kisses up her throat.

"Take your pick." She giggled as she closed her eyes. JC rolled onto his side and pulled Carey closer. He dipped his head to claim her lips again as he pinned her between his hard body and the soft mattress.

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