
"Are you sure this is what you want to do?" Justin asked for the third time. He was worried that his friend was setting himself up for heartache.

"Yes, I'm sure. I think this is the best way. Then if she doesn't want to talk to me. She just won't answer the phone." JC replied.

"Well if you've made up your mind, then that's it. I'll see you tomorrow morning before the interview."

"Yeah see ya." JC stood and left Justin's hotel room.

Alex sat down on the bed beside Justin. "He's scared that he's going to lose her."

"Yeah." Justin agreed

"I hope she doesn't break his heart. If she does, I'll hunt her down and –"

"I didn't know you were so protective." Justin interrupted.

"I am."

"I can see. He's going to get no sleep tonight. I can guarantee that."

"Neither are you." Alex said with a sly grin.

"Oh no?" Justin raised his left eyebrow.

"Nuh uh."


Carey flipped on the TV and swore to herself. She had no idea why Josh had phoned her and told her to watch MTV. She was tired and extremely grouchy. She was still mad that her family had made her take the wretched TV back with her. Maybe one of these days I'll get a backbone. She sighed.

JC was so nervous for this interview. They had been on MTV several times, it was nothing new. But the difference this time would be that Carey was watching. The next time he talked to her, she would know the truth. If I ever talk to her again. He shuddered at the thought. The Veejay welcomed the fans and the group and then started asking questions. Here goes nothing.

Carey sat in stunned silence and stared at the TV screen in front of her. The interview had ended 10 minutes ago but she hadn't moved. The shrill ring of the phone snapped her back to the present. She reached over and picked it up.

"Hello Carey? Are you there?"

Carey suddenly realized that she should probably speak. "Josh...I...how...you...Nsync..." She knew that she was making no sense but at the moment her world didn't make sense.

"Carey, I know you're a little shocked. I tried to tell you before but I was too afraid that I would lose you. Please don't hate me. If you don't want to talk to me anymore, I'll understand."



"Josh, I don't know I'm a little...I'm...I don't know what to say. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I couldn't find the words. I was going to tell you last week but then your Grandma passed away and I didn't want to hurt you more."

"Should I call you JC?"

"Do you want to?"

"Is your name really Josh?"

"Yes, Joshua actually."

"Can I still call you Josh?"

JC smiled in relief. His body relaxed and he let out a slow breath. "I was afraid that you would be calling me a lot worse names than that."

"You're still Josh to me."

"You don't know how happy it makes me to hear you say that."

Carey giggled, it was like music to his ears. "I guess dressing up as a singer for that masquerade wasn't much of a stretch for you."

JC laughed out loud. "Stretch would be the optimum word for that rhinestone jumpsuit."

"Are you still at the TV studio? It sounds very loud there."

"Yeah, we're going out to the van right now. I'll hang up because my cel will probably cut out. Can I call you tonight, Princess?"

"You can call me Princess anytime." Carey teased. "Of course you can call me tonight. Maybe I'll be a little more talkative instead of rambling on senselessly." She laughed again. "I'll be waiting for your call. Take care Elvis." She hung up.

"I love you Carey." Josh whispered as he put away his phone.

They loaded up into the van to go back to their hotel. "See, it turned out fine didn't it?" Chris slapped JC on the back and grinned.

"Oh man! I feel so much better!" A huge smile spread across JC's face. "I owe you guys an apology for the way I've been acting lately. I won't disappear like that again."

"No problem!" Lance said. "Now that we know about Carey, there's no need for you to disappear!"

"Yeah, so when do we get to meet her?" Joey bounced up and down on the seat.

"I don't think so." JC quipped.

"Why not?"

"First I tell her this and then I sick you guys on her. No way. She'd be running away screaming."

"Alex didn't." Justin interjected.

"Yeah, well Alex was different. She knew all of us before the two of you got busy." Justin whacked JC in the back of the head with his hat. JC laughed. "Okay, soon. You can meet her soon. I'm hoping to ask her to come to the Jive Records celebration show next month. At least she'll be able to hang out with Alex while we perform."

"Have you been able to finish that song yet? I thought you were planning on performing that?" Justin asked.

"Yes, I did finish it but I don't think it's right for us."

"How do you mean?" Chris asked.

"Well, after fitting lyrics to the music, I think it's more fitting for a solo."

"Okay, so what will we perform at the Jive records party then?"

"We've got two months. We'll figure out something." JC replied with a grin. He felt like a big weight had been taken off his shoulders. Carey knew the truth now and now he would be able to bring her into his world.

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