Turning tables

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Oh shizzzz.

"Your task is to go under cover and protect this famous boy band, goes by the name of One direction". professer Rider.

I nodded telling him to countine.

"Well. There are theses three boys are trying to kill them so you protect them but let them see your face."

"Okay, so long do i protect them professer?" I asked.

"So,then the three boys don't come back."

"Will i get killed"? I asked again.

"You are the best i never seen you back down, your braver then you think, you are the leader scar!" Professer Rider said.

I loved how he used my nick-name lol.

"Thank you. Is there anything i need to know about the three killers?" I said gaining bravery from being asked for such a huge task.

"Yes. Here is a file everything you need is in there. Oh i nearly forgot here is you assigned outfit.

My outfit was tight and black.

The shoes were heaven slick black nikes, my mask cover my nose and mouth but i could still breath and only thing showing are my hazel eyes and my long lashes.

"Oh yeah, this is going to be great" i said smiling.

"One more thing your going home now and meeting the boys in about a half an hour. Go now study the killers and go over the things with the boys." Professer Rider said.

"Thank you i won't let you down"! Said and walked out of the room and now im on my way home!

Zayn's POV

So last night our concert was short because there was a shooting..

No one got killed,don't worry!

We are just a getting our new secert agent.

Cool right? I know,i know.

Anyways we are on the way to see her.

They gave us this file about her. She is tall and very very very VERY musclaur. Her hair is like slik and goes into a tight ponytail. They took pictures of her working and punching people.

"Wow this chick is scary". Harry said slowly with cheshire accent thicken.

"Yeah buddy, but i'm not happy about this''. Niall said shaking head.

"Why's that, is she to tall". Louis said messing up his quiff that i worked on for like two hours.

"NOOOOOOOOO"!!!!I screamed as i jumped on to Niall to fix his blonde now messy hair.

Okay, okay , here we go baby! "WOOHHOOOOOO NEW RECORD THE ZAYN BOLT!" I yelled. I fix his hair in record time! I did usain bolt's signature move.

"Thanks man". Niall said blankly.

"Listen Niall, this girl is risking her life for ours, you should be happy because without this girl we will die". Liam said.

"He has a point". Harry said out of no where.

"No shit sherlock". Louis said to harry and slapped him playfully and those two just laughed.

"Okay, fine". Niall grumbled.

What is his problem.

Katherina's POV

I study the whole just minus like three minutes because i had to clean my face and try on my suit i still have it on don't judge.

Kiddnapped SpyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora