The Light- Chapter 1

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17 years later...

Lys spat at her mother before dashing away. A sign of disrespect would surely be punished. However Lys was young and athletic while Frois was old and weak. Lys sprinted with all her might down the streets of Ballaí away from the screaming woman. To a stranger Frois would appear to be an insane woman. 

Just as Lys thought she was about to escape when she felt a cold hand clamp down on a handful of her black curls and pull her back down onto the rocky street. She flinched as she felt jagged rocks scratch and draw blood on her backs and arms. Lys would have screamed in pain and struggled as Frois dragged her home by her hair but she knew better now. She may possibly, hopefully be avoiding an extra beating by not putting up too much of a fuss.

However when Lys saw her father Dure waiting for them in the front room of the house, she knew she was going to get it anyway.

As Dure loomed above her, his fist at the ready, Lys closed her eyes and willed herself not to cry.

 ~the light~

Lys threw down the sponge in frustration. Frois had instructed her to clean up all the blood that was on the floor from where Lys’s bloody nose had left an ugly trail. Dure had punched her again last night and broken her nose. Frois didn’t want any traces left. Not that she was ashamed of her husband but she loathed her daughter.

Everyone told Lys that Frois and Dure were her parents, but something deep inside her  told her otherwise. She shared no characteristics with her supposed parents. Least of all her eyes. She had brilliant deep blue eyes. No 

matter how hard she searched, she found no one else with blue eyes. All other colors but blue. 

Frois and Dure forced her to wear contacts to cause her eyes to appear brown. 

“Only freaks have blue eyes. Everyone hates freaks. They get put into special homes or work as slaves for Mörker. Is that what you want? To be a slave for the Dark Master?” Frois told Lys when she was a young child, convincing her to wear her contacts to Lessons. 

Honestly Lys hated her brilliant blue eyes. She blamed them for how her parents treated her and why she could never have friends.  

Finally the last drop of blood came off the brown tiled floor with a lot of scrubbing. Lys chucked the dirty sponge in the bucket before taking outside to dump the water out of the bucket and rinse out the sponge. 

Tomorrow was Lys’s seventeenth birthday,  the day she could finally leave without breaking the law. She already had her bags packed underneath her cot and was ready to go. Except she didn’t know where to go. Once she left she had no where to go.

Anywhere was better than here.

After leaving the sponge out to dry Lys went into the kitchen to begin preparing supper for Dure and Frois. She actually took pleasure in cooking this time, knowing it was the last evening she would be cooking for them. 

Dinner was a tense affair. Both Dure and Frois realized what tomorrow was and seemed upset by it. This was surprising to Lys as they had never recognized Lys’s birthday before. She had had to go to the Archives to learn about when she was born. 

Lys had to be careful not to let the smile slip onto her face during the whole meal. It was a challenging task, there was no doubt about it. Finally the unhappy couple had finished their meal and Lys scooped up their plates and set 

out to do her evening chores quickly so she could get to bed earlier than usual in order to rise early in the morning.

The next morning Lys woke up after the sun had already risen.

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