Yodel: Are you at your moms?

P: Maybe

Yodel: Perfect! I'll be home all day. You can stop by anytime :-)

He sends me an address to an apartment complex and I exit out of the conversation. Something wasn't sitting right. He was too happy. Like we hadn't just spent the week with zero communication.

Either he was still drunk or he thought we were good again. Which so wasn't the case. I haven't even gotten the chance to properly shout at him yet and I feel like that's going to be a lot harder to do face to face. Especially when we've never even met.

I sigh, weighing my options. I could stay in bed for the rest of the day or I could get up, get dressed, and meet him at the address. There's a really big part of me that likes the first option the most but I know if I don't go this could actually be the end of our friendship.

So I choose the latter, texting Haley to come quick. I was going to need some major talking down and help with what to wear and what to say.


"God I'm nervous. Are you nervous? Why am I so nervous," Haley rambles, fanning herself. I truly regret my decision to tell and bring her along. She was supposed to be talking me down not making me ten times more nervous.

"I don't know why you're nervous. You're not the one who's been talking to a superstar. This isn't even your meeting," I huff slightly annoyed. "I know you're just projecting your worry on me but you don't need to be so rude," she sniffs, looking out the window.

We were getting close now. The tension was high. As were the nerves. This all sounded better in theory from the comfort of my bed. It was easier to think about then because I wasn't actually anywhere near him. I was still wrapped up safe in my covers with not a care in the world.

Now I was just about 15 minutes away from where I needed to go and I was close to shitting myself.

I tell myself over and over again that there isn't anything to worry about. It was just Luke. We talked all the time. We know each other fairly well. Nothing. To. Worry. About.

But of course I still worry. I worry the whole damn morning. I worry in the shower, while I'm brushing my teeth, while I'm getting ready, while I'm eating breakfast. I worry all through lunch and the entire car ride. I can't stop worrying.

I even feel a bit sick with it. Like any second now I was going to need to pull over and vomit on the side of the road. All while I have Haley in my ear telling me how nervous she was and how worried she'd be if she were me. Which is no help.

It's early in the evening when we arrive. He said in his text just to come up whenever but I thought it'd be courteous of me to shoot him a quick message once we're parked.

I turn off the ignition with a deep breath. "Ready?" Haley breathes from the passenger seat. "Not really," I bite my lip nervously. "I mean he was the one that texted you right? That's always a good thing." She finally begins her calming down.

"Yeah I guess," I mutter. "It's not like he's going to suddenly hate you El. You guys are friends. He obviously doesn't want to lose your friendship if he's doing this," she reasons softly. I nod. "This is a big step for him. I'm sure he's just as nervous as you."

"Yeah, I guess I hadn't really thought about that," I crack a small thankful smile. This was a huge step for the boy that at one point didn't even want to tell me his name. He has to be feeling even a fraction of what I was. Which was semi comforting. "Okay let's go." I take one more deep breath before giving the green light.

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