Tom standing in front of me with a nice gray suit on as he smiles at me. "Hello Rynn, it's a pleasure to finally meet you." Sticking his hand out to me for me to shake. Taking his hand in mine while we shake hands. "Hey Tom, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I never realized how tall you were before." Chuckling a bit with him laughing a bit. "Yeah they make me bend down a lot in the interviews so the wrestlers look more intimidating." Admitting to me as I nod understanding him. "That makes a lot of sense actually." 

"Oh let me take you to your seat." Tom saying taking me over to the chairs. "This one is for you." Tom motioning to a red chair beside a bigger red chair. Looking over at Roman as I sit down and pat his seat. Roman shaking his head a bit at me giving me a look like 'I know that's my chair, woman'. Walking over to me and Tom sitting beside me as Tom takes his place in his chair across from us.

"Okay, do you need to read over your lines again?" Tom asking us as we shake our heads at the same time. 

I remember my lines. Besides I basically got to make up my own lines anyways so it won't be to hard to just remember anyways.

"Amazing. Let's get started then. Phil?" Tom calling out to Phil as he peaks his head out from behind the camera and waves to me. Waving back to him shooting him a smile before putting on a serious face and looking at Tom. "Are we good Phil?" Tom asking him as Phil gives him a thumbs up. "3, 2, 1." Phil shooting his fingers up showing us he's recording while we look at Tom to start.

"Hello I'm Tom Phillips and I'm joined with my guests Roman Reigns and Rynn Blackwood." Tom saying straight to the camera before looking over at us with a smile plastered on his face. "So you've been walking out with Dean Ambrose a lot lately. Do you think that's a bit odd since you've confessed that Roman Reigns is your favorite wrestler?" Tom asking me with Phil pointing the camera at me while I shake my head. "No, not really. You see as Roman Reigns is still my favorite wrestler he's not Dean Ambrose. They aren't the same people. I love Roman as  a brother but I love Dean as my boyfriend. So no I don't think it's odd." Telling him with Tom nodding.

"Roman how did you feel when she became a wrestler? This was after she confessed her feeling right?" Roman nods a bit. "Well I don't really know what you're getting at with feelings but I didn't really know she was a wrestler. I mean I knew she was trying out but I didn't know she was debuting until she did debut. So for me I was a bit surprised but I was also happy for her because you could tell that she loved being in this business. My feelings on that hasn't changed at all. I'm still very happy for her." Roman saying to Tom as Tom simply nods. 

"So for something every fan wants to know, is The Shield actually a thing that is coming back with Rynn replacing Seth or was that just a tease to mess with Seth?" Tom asking as I stare at Roman for him to answer. "The Shield is back and Seth isn't being replaced though. Seth stabbed me in the back and Dean in the back. He turned on his brothers and left. So he's not being replaced but Rynn is taking an open slot. We don't need Seth to be a tag team. Besides The Shield is better with Rynn on our side. You've seen what she can do." Roman growling a bit every time he says Seth's name. While I nod simply to everything Roman is saying in the background. 

"Wow, well you heard that. Right from Roman's mouth. The Shield is back and Rynn is now a part of it. So Roman, Rynn, is there anything you plan to do with your positions?" Tom asking. Roman motioning for me to go forth. "I plan to take the woman's championship belt and wear it around my waist. No one deserves that title more then I do. But I don't plan to stop there. I also plan to go after the tag team championship titles with my teammates Roman and Dean." Saying to him as if it was simple enough. Staring at Tom as Tom nods. "I plan to take what is rightfully mine and that is the World Heavyweight Championship belt. That is mine and I plan to get it back! SO Seth better watch his back because there is a huge target on it." Roman growling while glaring at Tom. 

The Lunatic Fringe and The Sexy Psycho (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now