2. Never-what?

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2. Never-what?

The water began to fill her lungs, her breath all run out. There might have been a shadow of a hand come down into the water or maybe a vine but Katie didn't hesitate to find a way to escape her deadly situation. She used her remaining energy to reach for the hand.

Next thing she knew, the sun was beating down straight into her eyes. She was coughing up water by what seemed like bucketfuls. The only emotion seen on her face was pure terror. Never has Katie been this terrified in her life. Of course the person who had to be there to save the day was... Smee.

Poor ole Smee was out fishing, trying to find a good one for the captain when he saw Katie practically fall out of the sky. Chunks of the boat were almost hitting his face. The splash of water wasn't very big, but Smee still took the time to wipe the salty water off his face. He looked at the water, it took a little while for him to realize that the little girl was drowning. When the realization set in, he quickly grabbed Katie's hand and pulled her onto the boat.

For Katie, it was weird to see a man dressed as a pirate sitting on a boat in the middle of the ocean, and for Smee it was less weird to see a child, but extremely confusing to why she was a girl and why she didn't appear on the shore. Time went on as both of them pondered about the circumstances of the situation. Neither of them came to a conclusion, which is why Smee finally decided to speak up.

"Hello little girl. My name is Smee." He spoke to Katie.

At first, she was confused at why he was talking in that kind of voice, a baby voice. Katie did look younger than she really was, but to Smee's eyes, she was incredibly young.

"I'm Katie. Pleased to meet you Mr. Smee." Katie spoke in the most grown up tone that she could produce. When Smee didn't reply, Katie took the opportunity to look around a bit more. Not too far away floated a huge pirate ship, or as Katie saw it, a merchant ship. She never saw a pirate in her life before and she still didn't know it. What lay behind the ship made Katie's mouth drop, only from the beauty, an island stood there with one huge mountain in the middle with many other biomes around it, but mainly forest.

Smee finally realized at least something and looked where Katie was looking. "Beauty isn't she, the Jolly Roger."

"Oh... yes. The ship is beautiful... What's this place... island called?" She managed to say.

"Why you're in Neverland."



"I don't remember such a place on maps. I'm pretty sure I would've remembered."

"You looked at the wrong map Miss Katie. Gotta look at a star map to find this place."

"Star map? What? What do you mean?"

"Neverland is a star. The only way to come here is to reach the star, and the only way to reach the star is to fly."

"I... I didn't fly though."

"There is no other way."

Katie thought to herself for a moment. "Alright. I get it. I'm just dreaming... There are no worlds in stars. People can't fly. This is all just a figment of my imagination."

"I'm sorry miss. But you aren't dreaming."

"I have to be. Impossible things only happen in dreams."

"Not unless you are looking for them."

"I wasn't looking for anything impossible. I was rowing my boat into the open sea to try to get away from the cops."


"Yeah. You know. The people who make sure everyone follows the laws and what not."

Smee was processing all the information. He wasn't the most clever person in the world but if he got enough time then he could figure complications out. "Ok. So theses cops were chasing you because you did something wrong. So what did you do wrong?"

Katie was quite shocked. She never thought that she did anything wrong. She really didn't do anything wrong. Living on the streets was more of a way of life to her. There were no real criminal attributes to her, she never stole or lied, only begged.

"I haven't done anything wrong Mr. Smee." Katie spoke in a calm voice. "They are trying to help me. Trying to put me back into the orphanage. I've been avoiding them for quite some time."

"SMEE!" Yelled the voice of Captain James Hook from the ship. Neither Katie nor Smee realized it, but it has been about half an hour since they met. Hook doesn't like to be kept waiting. Smee jumped a bit from the shock and set himself into rowing mode. One fish would have to do today.

As Smee neared the ship he realized something the Captain was telling the crew after Peter and the Lost Boys placed clocks all around the ship. He said that all boys that fell to Neverland would have to be killed before they could meet Peter. Hook didn't need anymore Lost Boys to ruin his day, Peter was quite enough for that.

Of course Smee wasn't completely thinking this through and soon panicked. He threw a blanket over Katie and told her to stay still. He climbed up the boat and brought the Captain his dinner. When Hook seemed more or less happy, Smee started to sneak away, back to Katie. He decided to leave her by the shore for the night, no other choice.

On his way out, Smee spotted a few feet of plain fabric that would keep cool in the summer and keep warmth for the winter, or as in the hours that Pan is gone. He snatched it and ran for the boat, telling everyone that he was just going to get some sand. Who knows why he said that, but the crew didn't really care anyway so they let him pass.

Katie was just sitting under the blanket. There was no exact terror or sadness or happiness. There were no emotions on her face, in her mind. Everything was blank. She heard Smee get into the boat and start rowing away from the ship.

"Where are we going?" Katie quickly asked while she took the blanket off her.

"I'm going to take you to shore. You're going to have to spend the night there."


"Sort of... complication on board."


Smee then remembered. "Here take this." He handed her the fabric. "I don't know how long you'll be staying but you're going to need some better clothes."

"Do you have any needle or thread with this?"

"No. To have a dress or shirt or whatever you want made, you have to go to the fairies."


"Yes. I'll be able to give you directions tomorrow. Well hopefully. But for now..." Smee rowed all the way to shore. He helped Katie out onto the sandy beach and got back into the boat. "Just watch out. Climb a tree and stay away from all the animals, indians, mermaids, and especially the boys." With no other words, Smee rowed off.

Katie heeded Smee's warning very seriously. She knew nothing of this place. This first thing she did was climb a tree and went to sleep.

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