Chapter·01:Work Hard Times are Hard.

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Work Hard, Times are Hard.

Aniyah-Carson Lovato

"Carson? " I heard a husky voice gently whisper. I turned to see Mr.Hardict looking back at me. I was shocked that he was still here. His step-son Hakiem was coming home for a little family celebration from him helping the Florida Falcons win their first Superbowl in the 17years of their existence. Mr.Hardict came over to my desk.

"Ms. Lovato why are you still here? You should be home." He said sitting on the left corner of my desk. I sighed, resting a stack of his work in an outgoing box.

"Just, taking some work off your hands." I smiled, up at the salt-n-pepper stubble he had. The small curls at the top of his head, made me want to rub my fingers through it, just to see if there as soft as they look, but that would be quite unprofessional of me. I felt as Mr. Hardict turned my chair so I was now facing him completely.

"Work off of my hands?" He asked with his eyebrow lifted. I nodded, with a slight smile.

"Yes, since your step-son was coming I thought you would want to spend some family time." I said with a small smile. He chuckled. I was a bit confused. I scrunched up my face.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"MY SON is coming, with his gold-digging girlfriend. I ordered for Jeff to get me as much work I can have, and to schedule Halle for 10 days worth of spa days." He explained, why did he send Jeff to do all of that. When I was here playing Candy Crush and Subway Surfers half the day until I saw how much work was in Mr. Hardict's inbox.

"Oh. . .I'll try to find some more work for you." I said looking through folders, searching for something blank or missing. But everything was filled out.

"I'm sorry I completed all of your documents, but I'll call up some companies and order more paperwork-"

"Unnecessary! You'll have to hang out with us this week. Wait for me." he said, getting up and walking away. My mouth opened slightly. I've never ever met his family. Should I be scared, excited, or nauseous. I packed my purse slipping my sweater over my arms covering the exposed tops of my breasts. I walked out to catch a taxi, yet again Miami's weirdness got to me. No cabs just Rich, Party people, were out now. I decided to find some type of transportation. I then realized a black town car pull up. I stopped a turned to see, Mr. Hardict. Shaking his head, I walked over and got in.

"I told you to wait for me. You're like a daughter to me I would never have my daughter walk these streets alone." He scolded me. I just nodded as I slid into the car. About thirty minutes and some small talk later we pulled up to my apartment building, it's not extravagant or luxurious, but it's home. I walked in to see my cousin Xenon knocked out on the couch. She was bombarded with bills. I looked and saw, one of them was $493.81 , I gasped. We both work long hours, how could the light bill be so high? I saw the cable bill, which frustrated me, we canceled our service almost a year ago, yet they still continue to send bills.

"Niyah, when you got in?" Xenon asked, snatching the bills out of my hands. I looked at her. She was struggling. And me being added on, since my mother's death. Was just too much for her. I think me sneaking and paying most of the bills and staying away for a while would do good justice. I walked to my room and pulled out some outfits and I went into my safe and pulled out some cash. I stuffed it into an envelope. I packed some clothes and some shoes. I dialed Mr. Hardict's number and confirmed. He acted as if he knew I was gonna follow through. I rolled my eyes and wrote down the time the car would pick me up. I laid down and sleep automatically took over my body.

Aniyah-Carson in the Multimedia

this is dead short...

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