Chapter 2: Love Takes Its Hold

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The next day was pretty uneventful. All day it was work and tests. At lunch Hannah sat at her table quietly with her friends. "Hey can I sit with you?" Said a familiar voice. Hannah looked up to see Nichole standing beside her smiling shyly. "Oh hey! Yeah go ahead!" Hannah said happily. Nichole sat down next to Hannah and started making small talk. "Whose this?" Hannah's friend Claire asked in a teasing tone. " Hannah rolled her eyes and gestures towards Nichole. "This is Nichole, she's new here." Nichole gives a small smile and a little wave, "Hi." She says. All her friends smile and greet her back. "Why don't you guys introduce yourselves." Suggests Hannah. "Hey I'm Claire, nice to meet you!" Claire says shaking Nichole's hand with a warm smile. "What's up I'm Niki!" Niki said with cool smile. "And I'm Jenny" said Hannah's best friend. Not only was Jenny Hannah's best friend but she was also her cousin. The five girls finished their lunch, Nichole looked over at Hannah and asked "Hey I have this really big chemistry test tomorrow and I was wondering if you would like to get together and study?" "Sure! We can go to my house." Hannah said happily. Nichole smiled, "Ok!" And got up to dump her tray. Hannah glanced at her friends who were smirking at her. "What?" Hannah asked with a confused look. "You like her!!" Her friends said in unison in sing song voices. "What?! No I don't!!" Hannah exclaimed. Her friends gave her a look. Hannah sighed as she knew she wasn't fooling anyone. "Ok I do like her." She confessed. Who wouldn't?! Nichole was beautiful and had a great smile and a gorgeous personality! Hannah found herself starring off into space just thinking about the girl. Her daydream was interrupted by the sound of Nichole's voice. "So I'll see you after school?" Hannah jumped a bit but quickly regained her composure. "Uh yeah sure! Meet me at school entrance." Nichole gave Hannah a flirtatious smile and said "Ok see you then!" And then walked to her next class.

On the way to Hannah's house the girls engaged in small talk. When they got Hannah's house they were greeted by Hannah's mom. "Hey sweetie welcome home- ohh who's this?" Hannah's mom asked with great interest. "Mom this is my new friend Nichole, she just moved here." Hannah said while wrapping her arm around Nichole's shoulder. "Well it's very nice to meet you! You can just make yourself at home dinner will be ready in 20 minutes." "Thank you!" Nichole said politely. "Follow me, we'll study in my room." Hannah said as she lead Nichole upstairs. As they walked into Hannah's room they sat their stuff on the floor, sat on Hannah's bed, and got to work. Hannah worked with Nichole on chemistry while Nichole helped Hannah with Algebra. After they got their work done, they laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "So, how was your first day at your new school?" Hannah asked as she laid on her side. Nichole did the same, "It was great actually, everyone was so nice to me and I made some new friends!" She said with excitement. "Awesome, I'm glad you like it here." Hannah said while giving her a warm smile. Nichole's heart started to race as she looked into Hannah's dark brown eyes. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Hannah chuckled as she saw the love struck smile on Nichole's face. "No reason!" Nichole said as she sat up. Hannah was about to protest when she heard her mom calling. "Girls dinners ready!" "Coming!" Hannah called back. The two girls raced down the stairs and into the kitchen. "I made your favorite, Alfredo!" Hannah's mom said with a dramatic flare. "Yes!" Hannah exclaimed. "Work just called and they need me for something, so I'm gonna be gone for a few hours, you girls can do whatever you want just don't burn the house down!" Hannah's mom gave them a stern look. "Yes mom." Hannah said with a roll of her eyes. As Hannah's mom told them goodbye and walked out the door, the girls ate their dinner. When they finished, they took their plates to the sink and washed them. Hannah needed the sponge that was on the other side of Nichole and Nichole needed the washcloth that's was on the other side of Hannah. At the same time, they reached for what they needed....and their lips touched. Only for a second though. The two girls quickly pulled away, blushing madly. An awkward silence fell. Nichole was the first to speak. "I-I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean too-" she stuttered before Hannah cut her off. "No no I'm sorry, i was trying to get the sponge." Hannah said her cheeks growing hotter. When they finished the dishes Hannah gets an idea. "Hey there's this really nice park a couple of blocks from here and I was wondering if you would like to go." Hannah asked. "Sure sounds fun!" Nichole exclaimed.

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