~°°°BEST best friends in the world°°°~

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~°°°BEST best friends in the world°°°~

"Raven am sorry, I just don't think am ready for this relationship"

"then why start one in the first place troy, why?" I asked with tears running down my face he stood there speechlessly which made even me more angry, I couldn't bear this...

I ran out of the hall way, I wanted to get away from all my problems and cry into my best friend's arms...but unfortunately I bumped into the last person I wanted to see in this world

Ashley is the school's bitch, she has a nicely curled blonde hair and blue eyes while Kate had black hair and grey eyes, Kim was a bit different, she was taller than both girls with a well groomed model figure and her black hair with brown eyes. They were the richest kids...

"Poor Raven" Kate said ironically

"I heard Troy dumped you" Kim added

"tsk! tsk! tsk! all this losers never seem to learn their lessons" Ashley said as she applied more lipstick on her lips

"I don't need your sympathy, OK!" I said before dashing out to the park where i met my two best friends Chloe and Zoe, they are twins but her complete opposites of each other.

" Hey Raven what happened to you?" Chloe asked looking concerned.

"Nothing!" I replied as she sat down next to me on the bench

"this face got something not nothing" Zoe said in a sweet accent

"Yeah! Zoe is right there is something bugging you" Chloe said patting my back a little

"He broke up with me today" I managed to say while covering my face with both my palms to cry, I really don't know why this was hurting me so bad, this isn't the first break up am having but this one seems to hurt real bad...is it because he cheated with Ashley?

"You mean Troy dumped you?" Zoe asked to be sure, she was looking really angry I really wanted to laugh at how red she had turned but I think I've lost my laugh...

"Yeah, he did" I said after wiping off my tears
"Don't worry I'll be fine, its just heart break, it will heal in a couple of days" I said trying to convince them, if only I could convince myself to forget...

"I guess some chocolates would do less harm" Zoe said pulling me up
" are you coming or what?" she said to Chloe

"So whose house are we heading to" Chloe asked while we walked home

"my baby bro destroyed our TV set so no movies...."Chloe said

"My mum recently bought three cats, so...."

"I guess we'll be going to stay in my place" I said as we all walked down the street. My school is just few miles away from my house

"Mum are you going some where or what" I asked on my way to the living room where I left Chloe and Zoe.

"Yeah hon' am going to see an old friend, I'll  be back before it gets dark" she replied before leaving the house, I quickly locked the door immediately after her car drove off.

I walked back to the living room where Chloe and Zoe were watching a movie 'HIT THE FLOOR', I bounced in between Chloe and Zoe on the couch from behind...we all sat there watching the movie while stuffing chocolates in our mouths.

After about two hours Chloe and Zoe's parents started to call
"We really enjoyed staying at your place Raven just like always" they both said in sync

"let me talk first" they both synced again

"Zoe let me talk first" Chloe said

"No am talking first Chloe" they kept arguing and I was really enjoying this, I pulled both of them into a bone crushing hug before they finally kept quiet

"you guys are the best best friends in the world" I said before letting go...we waved our last goodbyes. I felt so lonely after they left...the silence that fell almost drove me crazy but I started to play a slow song. I laid down on my bed with my arms folded behind my head.

"I hate Troy, he is a mistake I won't make twice" that was all I said before I slept off.....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2016 ⏰

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