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My name is Ryder Matthew Friar. I know my name rhymes. Why would my parents do this to me? I know, so let me tell ya. My parents call their love story complicated. Their greatest victory was their love story. They rode into battle on Guernica, a brave, white horse who knew what was right and wrong. Do you have a picture of who they are now? Yes, they are Mr. Lucas Friar, and Ms. Riley Matthews, and known to their old friends as Rucas. They got married, and we now live in Greenwich Village, close to Grandma Pangers and Grandpa Cory. Mom is pregnant with my baby sister as of right now. I think she is coming in about three months, in all honesty, I don't pay attention when they talk about baby stuff.
My parents got married during the summer of their sophomore year in college. They had me after they graduated from college, and we have lived in the same apartment ever since. I have been in the exact same room since I was in my crib. But now I have my sports posters, pictures of me playing sports, my professional sports pictures, me with the farm animals when we were at Texas, and pictures of me and my friends. Mom had a bay window in her room, and she solved most of her problems in that window. She thought it would help me out to so i have one in my room. I have a desk, a bed that is actually long enough for my tall body. I get the height from my mom and my dad, but I'm a klutz, mostly from my mom, she never got see to those limbs apparently. I have a closet full of clothes, books all over the place, and some baby toys, and protective covers on the corners. Most of the pictures in the frames are of my friends, most of them are of Alexa though.
I go to John Quincy Adams High School, where guess who is principal? My grandfather, Cory Matthews.I'm surprised he is still working. But he loves it, any my friends and I eat lunch with him everyday. My parents had him as a teacher every year from 7th grade to senior year. Seems weird, hopefully that doesn't happen to me. I already have my grandfather, my mother, my father, and my aunts and uncles to give me the life lessons their learned in those classes.

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