Johnny's Plea

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Hi guys, i wrote this for an english assignment and i got an A.It's Johnny from the Outsiders talking to the nurse in the hospital that looks after him, right before he dies. Take this as the scene before Johnny dies with Ponyboy by his side.It takes place in the time of the soc fight. If you haven't read the outsiders don't read, i may not make sense. P.s the book Johnny gives is Gone with the wind if you don't remember.

Johnny: Please stay Nurse……… being at the hospital is not tuff, I really don’t want to be alone for this. Please… can you get Dally and Ponyboy? (Pause) Why? I gonna die aren’t i …. I thought so …. I look like … well... You dig. I knew as soon as I came here I ain’t getting out. Thanks for everything but…. Have you done everything? Do I have to go (pause) so soon at 16. I don’t feel too good, I’m dyin’ too quick in this damn hospital. I hope Dally and Pony get here sooner than later. I don’t know how much time I got left.(Pause)Give this to Pony(gives book) we  had some good times with this book in the last couple of weeks.(pause) What happened? Why am I this way? Haven’t you read the newspaper…arhh well…

I’m a greaser…hood whatever…. The Socs hate us… you know the drill…they carry heaters and we use our fists. It’s stupid really cuz we ‘ave more similarities than differences.(pause) They beat me bad ya know a few years back, changed me good. I’ve toughed better than Pony… he’s the one with the bleached hair.. he normally has the tuffest hair compared to my jet black….Pony needs to stay gold like the sunset  you dig…he loves the sunsets, he’s so innocent and so much better than this. Ouch.. More morphine. It’s a good way to be and I’m happy that I saved those kids lives… they have a brighter future than me. (Pause) You wonder why I don’t think I have a bright future, even if I got out of this not hurt?. I’m a greaser liven on the edge, I’ll just go to jail for manslaughter.. yeh I killed someone….A Soc. was my friend Cherry’s….at least she was ..… boyfriend Bob. It was self-defence I mean it.. I didn’t know what to do.. They were drowin’ Pony and were going to beat me up like my parents do with me.. Their alcoholics don’t give scrap bout where I am or who I with so the greasers are alls I got. So I couldn’t stand it if they’d beat me again so I struggled and stabbed… he died. Just like that. I never have to live wit it anyway….

That’s why pony and I ran and I got into this whole mess. We had to run the fuzz was after us .We hid out in this church ate basically nuttin. Cut our hair to change our appearance. But it wasn’t fair on Pony to stay so we’s were goin to turn me in but…the church.. it was on fire as we left… we probs didn’t put out a ciggy.. it was our fault the fire started. We heard children’s voices so we went in and got them out but as we climbing out window a part of the ceiling floor fell on me and my buddy Dally got me out…Dally’s he so real ya know…And here we are. Johnny Cade; a small slight 16 year old greazer about to die and has nothing but saving those kids lives to amount to ….. Greasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs. Sometimes I think it’s the ones in the middle that are really the lucky stiffs. The fightins stupid. We can run from the violence but we will never be able to hide from it.(pause) …I  think I hear Dally and Pony comin down the hall, please bring the in …. Oh If Dally pulls a heater on ya for not letting him in.. don’t worry he’s just scared, he thinks he failed me, when really he saved me from more pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2011 ⏰

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