He Is my Rockstar

Start from the beginning

"Rocky --- I have --- to go to --- class "I laughed .

"There's that smile "he smiled ,he hugged me and kissed my cheek and went to class .

Maybe he didn't forge it .

I walked into class and sat at my seat ,A guy walked in and sat beside me .

He had Black hair and Blue eyes, He was cute .

"Hi I'm Percy "he smiled ,"Kortney ,you new here ?"I asked .

"Yeah ,what about you ??"he asked smiling .

"Yeah this is my first year "I chuckled looking down .

"So where you form ??"he asked ,"Florida but I moved here 6 months ago "I smiled .

He nodded ,"how old are you ??"he asked .

"I just turned 15 today "I giggled ,"Happy birthday"he smiled.

"Thanks "I blushed ,he handed me a five dollar bill .

"No I'm good "I said handing him back the money .

"No it's fine "he said ,I smiled and toon it and put it in my pocket .

Class started and Percy became a good friend .

He kinda looked like that guy off of Percy Jackson the movie ,but it wasn't him .

The bell rang and I went to music class ,Percy had that class too .

I sat in my seat ,Percy sat in Rocky's seat ,Rocky came in and stood there in front of him .

"Move it punk !"he snapped ,Percy got up and apologized to him and sat in the back.

"Rocky ,quit being a Dick ,he's new he didn't know "I said as he sat down .

"Well I don't want that pretty boy near my Girl "he scoffed and gave Percy a mean glare .

I rolled my eyes and looked at Percy and mouthed Sorry. He smiled .

"Alright class Ready to present your projects ??" Mr Harley asked .

I gulped ,I was scared but excited .

He called our names alphabetically and we were next .

"Kortney and Rocky "Mr Harley smiled, we went down and he out his guitar  around him and sat on the stool ,I sat on my stool and grabbed the microphone.

He strummed his guitar and began to sing ,

Climb the stairs to you're apartment, just to see you holding him .

You try to tell me that it's Nothing ,so I keep coming back again .

You're looking right in my eyes and I know that you're lying .

When you say that you're mine and there's nobody else .

But even  when  we fight I can't stop form loving you .

Age Doesn't Matter (Rocky Lynch)  ✅Where stories live. Discover now