Chapter 1: Strange

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Once upon A time , There was a Two faries fall inlove each other
Name Queen Clarion and Lord Milori.
They have a children boy and girl name Kiara and Cobby

Kiara and Cobby playing in the Snow Their Mother and Father are so busy.
Cobby throw Kiara with snow ball in the Head.
Cobby: Kiara ! *throw the snowball*
Kiara: *crying loudly*
Cobby look something strange.
Cobby hear like a sound of??
???: awooooooo. Aaawwwooo!
Cobby: What's That noise??
The birds Fly away from tree's
In Pixie Hollow
???: awoo
Clarion: Do you heard that ?
Milori: Yeah!
Ministers: Yes !
Clarion: That Sounds like umm.. Hmm ?
Milori: A Wolf?
Clarion: O my goodness where's the kids?
Milori: in the Snow
Clarion: Let's go!
Clarion: *get the coat*
Milori: Come ! Clarion *rides*
Cobby: A wolf!!
Wolf pull the legs of Kiara tightly
Kiara: Help!!
Cobbt grab her hands.
Clarion: Kiara!!
They pull the hands of Kiara.
There's so many wolves
Some of them pulled the legs of Kiara and Some Bark Them But Clarion Milori and cobby have no choice so they give up.
Clarion Milori: Nooo!!
Kiara:Mom Dad! Coby!
Cobby: *cries* Its all my fault!
Milori: Why?
Cobby: because i throw her a snowball.
Milori: Why you throw her?
Cobby: cuz we have just fun!
Milori hugs Cobby
Milori Cobby and Clarion back to pixie hollow
Ministers: Welcome back!!
Clarion: *cries* Kiara is gone
Ministers is Shocked
Spring: Why?
Clarion: The Wolf Pulled her.
Summer: We will find her .
Clarion: Thank you Summer.

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