Movie Night

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It was a Saturday and it was 12 pm. I decided to hang with some friends and just have a nice Saturday for once. I decided to wear black jeans and a white crop top and my black vans and wear a black flower crown.

S: Hey, Charlotte wanna do something when you come back?

C: Yea what do you have in mind?

S: It's a surprise! Be back home at 5 pm at the latest!

C: Sounds great!! goodbye babe!

S: Bye darling!

We kissed and then I grabbed my phone and keys and left. I called Kyle.

C: Hey! I'm gonna be there in a few! see ya soon!

K: Sweet!! See ya in a few!! Bye!!

C: Byeee!!

With that I hanged up the phone. I was so happy to see Kyle since I haven't seen him 8 months after I got together with Sam and he moved.

It was a 40 minute car drive since his house is sooo far away. I arrived at his house and knocked on his door.



We pulled into a big hug and it lasted for about 7 minutes. Oh god I missed my bestfriend so much! He was always there for me since 8th grade and I'm so glad I got reunited with him. We decided to call Merlin and Marla to see if they wanted to hang with us too. Sadly Marla had plans so it was only Kyle, Merlin and I. A few minutes later Merlin came and knocked. I greeted her with and hug and we all decided to go to the roof and just play some music with ukeles and for the past hour and just relax and catch up on the 8 months we missed out on. We decided to go to this place and play laser tag for the next 2 hours and boy was it fun! I dropped off Merlin to her house first and then Kyle. I gave Kyle one last hug and then checked the time it's read 4:09 pm. I told Kyle I should get going and he said bye afterwards. I was starving so badly all I ate this morning was two pieces of toast and a pomegranate. I get home and open the door and set my things down.

C: Babe I'm home!!

S: In here!! his voice called from the living room.

right as I walk in I see my favorite snacks and all my favorite movies. Sam came saw me and walked up to me and kissed me and give me a hug.

S: This is for you babe :))

C: Aweee this is so sweet. you are the best boyfriend ever!! I said giving him a kiss.

I go change into my pijamas and sit on the couch. Sam sits right to me and I cuddle with him and he wrapped his arm around me with blankets covering us.

S: Babe?

C: Yea?

S: I love you.

C: awe I love you too.

with that i drifted to sleep telling my self this was the best day ever in my life!


Hey guys! Hoped you liked this one!! s/o to my real bestfriends Kyle and Merlin! You guys are the best! See ya soon!!

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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