Secretaries of Juliet

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"Look at this place Rach. It's beautiful!"

Rachel giggled at Finn's enthusiasm, he was like a kid in a candy store. Rachel watched as he ran over to the vine and pulled of a few grapes.

He wakes over, throwing them in the air and catching them in his mouth. He saved one and popped it into Rachel's mouth and sh had to admit, they were good.

"Good right?"

He asked still chewing.

"Yeah. Tangy and sweet, nice. We should get some of the product."

Finn nodded his head ecstatically.

"Come on then Rach. It's cheese time."

Rachel smiled and he took her arm, dragging her towards the cheese mill. Rachel looked back as he pulled and took in the beauty, wondering why they were spending time tasting cheese inside a doomy, dank room rather than outside, enjoying this beautiful place.

Letters to Juliet...

Rachel sighed and finally sat down since they had gotten here. It had to have been a good two hours of tasting cheese after cheese and washing it down with wine that had once tasted amazing and now tasted bland and dull.

Finn had said he wanted to try one more, six times. Rachel just didn't know what to do. She wanted to leave now, she didn't wanna stay in her all day, she wanted to take full advantage of this time away from the real world and enjoy the peace and serenity of this place, instead she was enjoying year old cheese.

"Rachel you ready to go?"

Rachel looked up at Finn and smiled, sighing in relief.

"Yes. If you are?"

Finn nodded his head and helped pull her up from the chair she was in.

"I got us some of the wine you like and some cheese of course"

Rachel smiled.

"Of course"

Finn took her hand and they walked up the stairs and out into the vineyard and smiled at the beautiful sun beating down on them.

"So. He I got a call and Bobby managed to get us into another sampling. This place is not as big but they take full advantage and their bread is to die for and they do this thing where..."

Rachel stopped walking and pulled Finn to a stop also.


Finn smiled and rubbed his neck, " I'm sorry. We can just go back if you want"

Rachel smiled and was about to nod when she saw his puppy eyes and the guilt kicked in.

"No. This is your passion, you should go. Can I maybe go back to the apartment though. I wanted to get some fresh clothes and just scout out some food and I wanted to go look at this old store that I saw in the tourist guide."

Finn's eyes lit up and he grinned ear to ear.

"Awesome Rach. I know it's not ideal and I'm sorry but I can't miss this opportunity."

Rachel nodded in agreement and then continued walking towards the car.

"This'll be good you know. You do your thing, I'll do mine and then we can meet up and talk and it'll be good."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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Letters To Juliet- Faberry StyleWhere stories live. Discover now