Seven - Dance

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        You laughed, a giggle erupting from your stomach, as Alois spun you around with his face buried in the crook of your neck. His nose nudged against the sensitive skin where your neck and shoulder met while his hair danced feather light across your skin. Alois pulled you tighter against him as he finally set you back on your feet.

What was the cause for occasion?

"Honestly, Alois," you laughed, head tilted back.

Alois planted a soft kiss on your neck before pulling back to look at you, he grinned as a soft laugh emitted from his throat. "I can't help it, you look beautiful!"

You had been allowed on your own all week; the doors always locked and guards always nearby, but you were by yourself. Alois was overjoyed every time he came to check, and you were there. Much of your time was spent in the library, but you also baked and cooked. Claude was vaguely perturbed by your allowance to be in the kitchen; especially the days you'd made Alois lunch and gave him small treats through the day. You could only imagine how he'd be if Alois ever allowed you to roam freely around the manor.

In celebration of the new found trust, Alois told you about the ball and how he had a plan that would allow you to attend with him. That sent a sickening knot weaving through your stomach, it was hard for you to believe that a mere four months ago you'd wished nothing more than to attend a dance. But now the possibility weighed heavily on your mind. While Alois' plan served as an awful reminder that you were still a prisoner. You were reminded that you would still be kept away – a secret, a prize – but skillfully hidden amongst people you probably knew.

Until that point, your week had been nice; for a bit you were able to escape.

But the reason Alois had you in an iron grip, your feet off of the floor as he spun you, was that he had bought you something new. But not just any garment – it was a dress for the ball. It was a beautiful dress that was sapphire blue with silver accents, decorated with shining crystals. The dress had a wide, heart shaped top with sleeves that reached just passed your elbows. He'd even bought you a matching pair of shoes, a hat, and of course a mask was a must.

"With you hair so long," Alois noted, running a hand through your locks. "Hannah could easily curl it and then pin it up – you'll look gorgeous. Those fools won't have a damn clue who you are..."

Your heart skipped at this, although it was a ball, you'd entirely forgotten that you'd be around other people. What if someone recognized you? How would you explain your mysterious disappearance? Then again, they probably didn't even know that you were back in England! You forced out a light chuckle, worry settling into the pit of your stomach.

What if someone found you..? Was someone even looking for you?

Questions that had plagued you for a year.

You'd spent all of this time building up Alois' trust, you'd accepted your fate. What would you do if someone offered you freedom? You should have been naturally inclined to answer yourself with run away from Alois, but – the only person you'd being running from would be the person asking. Alois would only come after you again, and you'd be punished worse than you ever had.

Alois would always find you.

He would always catch you.

You always lost.

And that was something he'd drilled into you time and time again.

"Darling, what's wrong?" Alois noticed your mood shift.

You glanced at him, mildly dazed, forced out a smile and shook your head. "I – It's nothing, my love."
Alois' mouth pressed into a flat line, his brows furrowed. Placing a hand on your cheek, he uttered, "It is not 'nothing.' Now tell me."

His voice had a dangerous bite to it, it was mostly caring, but you could hear the edge to his tone.

You swallowed, staring into those deadly intense irises, scraping around for some excuse. "I – I fear I've forgotten how to dance! – I traveled so long, not having attended any dances, that I fear I might have forgotten how to waltz! I don't want to step on your feet!"

Alois' eyes searched your face once more before his hard expression melted with a sigh. "Is that all? Don't worry, my doll, we'll have your dancing feet back before you can blink. I'll have Claude set up in the foyer, and we shall have your dancing lessons there. If I recall, you were an exquisite dancer when we were younger."

You smiled gratefully at Alois, while this had simply been an excuse, it had quickly become a true fear. You daren't make Alois look at fool by being an incompetent partner at his ball. Also, you knew you should probably dance with others so that you didn't arouse suspicion by sticking with Alois the entire night.

But as Alois left you alone in his chamber, your worry came back with a vengeance. You sank down on the bed, your head in your hands with your elbows between your knees. You had wanted so long to get away from Alois, but the thought of being without him sickened you. But why? Wasn't that what you wanted?

To get away from Alois?

What happened to you?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2016 ⏰

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