"Sorry, we just have jobs to look out for you and make sure you're safe" They laugh, I giggled and shook my head, I looked at Connor and took his hand, he smiles.

"That's fine and you really don't have too, I have Adam and Connor with me, well I'll get going then, see you boys later" I waved, they wave and I went home with Connor beside me.

"So why aren't you at school?" I raised my eyebrow at him, he smiles.

"I was worried about you and then the boys said you had gone somewhere and I went with them to look for you" He chuckles nervously, I smiled.

"That's nice you guys were worried but honestly I'm fine" I laughed, he does a nervous laugh and hugs me.

"Daniel wants to see Adam and he won't stop crying until he does, I was thinking I could quickly go to school and thought you could come" I shrugged, Connor looks at Daniel then me.

"He isn't crying right now?" He says confused, I sighed.

"That's because I just got him to sleep by the time we get to school he'll be awake and wanting Adam" Connor sighs and gives up, I smiled and we started to head to school.

I knew it wasn't a very good idea, but I had too, I missed Adam and so did the kids, when we got there, I took a deep breath, Connor grabs my hand and gives me a reassuring smile, I smiled and walked in. I saw everyone stare at me, Connor tightens his grip on my hand and glares at them, I looked around for Adam and saw him, he was laughing and smiling with Riley, I was glad to see they were friends, they both looked at us and ran towards us, Riley hugs me tightly, I laughed and hugged him back.

"Alice I missed you so much!" He smiles, I smiled.

"I missed you too Riley" Adam grabs Daniel as he wakes up and lifts him in the air and gently shakes him, Daniel smiles and giggles.

Riley makes baby noises to Bella, I rolled my eyes at him, he's such a kid but I loved him for it, I laughed as Adam plays around with Bella and Daniel, everyone kept looking at us, we ignored their stares, I was happy as I could be, I had an amazing family. A family member said to me 'everything happens for a reason' I didn't understand at the time but now I get what they mean, I was happy that I met Adam and got to be closer to him.

~~4 years later~~

"Mummy, can I go out and play with my brother now" Bella whines, I shook my head.

"Not until you finished your vegetables" She whines again, I sighed.

"But I don't like them" She whines, I rolled my eyes.

"Baby you don't know that until you try it, look how mummy does it" I grabbed a random vegetable and munched down on it, she looks at me before she takes a bite, I laughed at her reaction as she spits it out and drinks her water.

"Okay, you tried that's good enough go out then" She smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek and runs outside.

"She'll never finish her veggies babe" Adam chuckles, I turned to look at him and laughed.

"I know but she tried, its better than nothing, trust me when she's older she'll start eating them, they are good for her but she thinks it's poison to her" I laughed, he laughs and walks up to me and gives me a kiss.

"Well I need to go, I have some chatting to do with my father, I'll be home by dinner" I nodded my head and watched him but before he could leave Daniel and Bella stand in front of him.

"You never said goodbye to us" They cross their small arms over their chests, I laughed and smiled, they were so cute.

"Oh, how could I forget my babies" Adam chuckles and picks them up and kisses them, they giggle and hug Adam.

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