How did I become like this

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First of all, it was just a little crush. I wasn't to attached to him. The only when we were alone was in art. We were sitting in the same table. I talked to him a lot. But then he said the sentence that will go through my heart.
-Apparently you're taking a regime, did he said.
-Yes, why?
-Because some people in the class said that they don't see the result and that it's useless for you.
-Oh, it's okay I'm already used to this.
-No, it's not. They are really mean.
He protected me. For the first, there was someone who protected from my body. I became all red and escaped. The battle was over. I was really in love. The next days came rapidly. My friend, Kim, knew that I loved someone. I didn't want to tell her because I was afraid that there is still a chance that she loves him. But I couldn't mask it. My love for him was too credible. One day, she said to me that she already knew about it. That it's okay because she doesn't loves him anymore. It has make me some time before I believe her, of course but I came to the conclusion to believe her. One day he said to me something really nice.
-I am sure that you'll be beautiful wearing casual clothes.
Because we were uniform. You may think something like "that's all?!" , but when you're fat, compliment are sure rare. And then in December, I decide to tell him my secret. Its was on a Thursday, in the art class that I decided to try to tell him. I really tried hard. But I couldn't say it. But he already knew that I loved him. He said it's "okay". I didn't understand what did mean by " okay" The bells rings. I needed to tell him. I can't keep this secret longer. I tell him:
-What if I tell you that the one I love is you?
He smiles and say:
-Well, it's okay.
Then I understand what that okay mean. He knew it. I blush and run away again. I did it.

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