Chapter Two: The Girl Who Chases Butterflies

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Chapter Two: The Girl Who Chases Butterflies

It'd been at least a week since she'd seen what she now called 'the 100'.

They had not shown any threat to her nor the grounders. Though she knew the grounders thought differently.

It was less brighter than the past few days had been, letting her be able to come out from her insanely long nap and stretch.

One ear perks to the right as voices filled the forest. Five people were walking in the forest without a care in the world.

The wolf grew curious again and began to follow them silently. She stayed up on the hills and behind trees, watching the small ground continue their walk through the forest.

Her eyes turned blue as she caught the girl she'd seen come out of the metal box first. She was swinging around and trying to catch the attention of the boy with long hair; failing miserably.

He ignored her and caught up with a the blonde female, engaging in a conversation with her. Behind the dark hair girl were to other dark haired boys.

One had goggles placed ontop of his head. The other had some device with buttons on it. They looked like they were best friends.

The boy with long hair squared down, beckoning the others to do the same. The wolf turned and saw the animal, eyes turning blue.

Lunch. She thought.

The deer looked at the group of teenagers, showing it's sliced head, instantly scaring them.

The coyote sprinted towards the deer, not caring about the teenagers anymore and more about eating. The deer saw and ran off at the sight of the predator.

She passed by the teens, in a blur of white, leaving them guessing what the hell that was.


The coyote watched from the forest as the four teenagers helped the dark haired girl get back to their camp.

She had a run in with the lake serpent and now had a large gash on her leg, bleeding profoundly but thanks to the blonde it was secured and bleeding less.

She felt herself getting restless, worn out by being in the wolf's body for so long and was ready to change.

She felt bones crack, the warmth of the fur disappearing and everything growing or shrinking. Soon she was left in her naked form, which in fact was quite dirty.

She made a face, looking at her hands in disgust and the amount of dirt that was caked on her body. She pulled herself to a stance and pushed her hair back, looking around the forest now being human again.

She took off running, half the speed she was when she was the desert wolf, and stopped at a pond before diving in.

Almost instantly she felt the dirt leave her body as the cool water surrounded her. She wiggled her fingers and toes, scrubbing her hair while staying under the water as long as possible.

With a gasp she emerged and a smile was placed on her face. She felt like herself whenever she was human. Being the desert wolf was just a way to keep warm and get food and protect herself.

She lifted herself from the pond and sat herself on a rock, feeling the wind dry her body as she looked up at the stars.

"Pretty." She whispered.

She always loved the stars, especially the falling ones. They'd move so fast and disappear in the blink of an eye, it excited her when she just got a glimpse of one.

As a human she let her guard down, only for a few minutes before changing back in the desert wolf, she could never truly be human again.

As if ok cue, she felt herself starting to turn. She had control over her turning, but sometimes it came out of nowhere.

Soon she was back to her white, blue eyed wolf self.


It was near the evening when her ears picked up footsteps lightly running through the forest.

Curious, she followed the footsteps. Trotting she stayed behind a bush as she watched the dark haired girl from before stop on a small hill.

She'd been chasing a butterfly.

She'd followed it to the flurry of butterflies that began to surround her, causing her to smile.

The coyote didn't know what was happening, but if her animal self could smile, it'd be smiling wide.

The sight of this girls happiness from the smallest thing made the wolf feel warm. She'd never felt this before, and she would have known being alive for 97 years.

A butterfly made its way over and landed on her nose, making the coyote stare cross-eyed at it. She wiggled her face to try and knock it off, but it kept stuck to her.

She backed up and shook her head more, sneezing quite loudly and heard a small giggle from infront of her.

Her head snapped forward and saw the girl looking straight at her, a hand over her mouth as she smiled.

She been caught, but the girl didn't seem to mind.

She watched the girl crouched down, holding a hand out as if to show safety. She cocked her head to the side and took a few cautious steps towards her.

"I won't hurt you." She whispered. Her voice was like velvet to the wolf's ears. I'd been a long time since she'd heard a voice.

It gave her confidence to stride forward and sniff her hand. She looked up into the girls brown eyes and felt her blue ones shine.

"Such pretty eyes you have." The girl sat down infront of the wolf, intrigued by the sight of the first normal looking animal she'd seen since they'd been here.

"I'm Octavia."

Octavia. She thought. Such a unique and beautiful name.

She badly wanted to tell Octavia her name, but it would be a little weird that an animal understood a human. But then again, there was a nuclear bombing, so anything could happen.

The coyote grabbed a stick with her teeth, trying her best to draw her name in the dirt. When she finished, it was extremely messy.

Octavia looked confused until she started tracing the lines with her finger. Realization filled her eyes and she looked at the coyote smiling.

"Your name is Malia?" The coyote let put a small howl, not too loud and felt her tail wag.

What is going on?! She had never acted this way in her life. She didn't understand.

"Extrodinary." Octavia said. She put her hand out and petted Malia's head.

There was a call in the distance, Octavia's head snapped to look and see a figure coming towards them. Malia growled, her normal self coming back.

"Go, before Adam sees you." Octavia shooed Malia. This confused her.

She was protecting her?

Without question Malia ran off, looking behind to connect eyes with Octavia once more before turning back and running to her cave again.


Seriously in love with writing this story already. How are you guys liking it so far?

~ Ansley

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