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Doctors p.o.v
Time/place 2017 February 14 pairs France
No This can't be right no everything makes since why the Signal is coming from earth why the tardis didn't want to land every thing make sense except one thing where the Signal is coming from. i walk around the area a little just to make sure i was getting the right signal but it was right every thing made sense except where the signal was coming from I turned around and my sonic went ding there I see what I think is a normal girl no older then 20 years old sitting on a bench all alone on valentine's Day in The city of love I walked over to the bench and sat next to her she moved over a little a few. awkward moments of silence later I said why are you alone she looked at me almost like she was confused like I was talking a foreign language and then a few seconds later she said. why are you. I paused for a few and thought for a few moments all my companion amy  Rory Martha and rose how come in the end I always end up alone. I'm not alone I with you aren't I. what your name she asked. the doctor is what they call me. and yours. j'adore.  that's a lovely name something out of a dream. thank you I really don't like it.why not. love is not my forte if get what I mean. so I'm guessing there's no one you adore .no nor do I want there to be. what do you mean love is a Beautiful thing and your French aren't the French Supposed to be very loving people. no it would Distract me from my job. which is. I'm a dancer a ballerina. that's nice I once met then I was cut off by rain suddenly falling on my face then another and another . do you have a place to go she said.what. do you have a place to go if not you can come to my house. No yes no I don't have a place to stay yes I would love to come to your house. and what felt like for every we where at her house   it had lots of windows and look a lot more like a dance Studio than a home there was a hall was and kitchen the hall way probably  led to a bathroom and bedroom if I was right there was one wall that was all mirrors and some dance equipment every thing seem normal well at least for some one with her job but some thing was off I had to find out more about this girl there was some thing not normal about her she look normal tall long legs thin but not two thin  and long brown hair that seem to go on forever sweet pants a Hoodie with gallifreyan on it wait her hoodie has gallifreyan on it this could mean so many things. doctor doctor.  what where I'm I what's going on. you past out  we had just got to my house the next you pasted out.ok I'm ok j'adore have you ever wanted to travel.yes why is that important right now shouldn't we be taking you to the hospital or something. No no hospitals would you want to travel with me all over the world the universe even. doctor are you ok. yes I'm fine come with me I've got to show you something then I go running out the door. doctor doctor.wait on me I hear her scream come on we don't here all day with in the next few minutes we are in front of the tardis. ok what did you want to show me. This this the blue box right here. this is what you had me run outside half naked to show me this a phone box. i hadn't notice but she was in her underwear with no bra and a half see thought shirt she look Beautiful No doctor don't stare eye front soldier no not just any old phone box I say as I open up the doors to the tardis. her eyes light up she runs inside but then she stops  and looks up at the top of the tardis Consol and says time and relative dimension in space tardis thats what this is a tardis. how do you know that. I read it she points up at the Consol. you can read it.yes of course I can it's from my dream.what do you mean it's the way the people write in my dreams and just for the Record this time Machine of yours is one sexy beast I know she is how did you know that this was a time Machine. I don't know it just sort of  made sense to me ok where do you want to go.no no no  I can't do this I have a life and a career here I just can't leave it to run away with the one time lord crazy enough to still a tardis I don't even know who you are I don't even know your real name. wait how did know that I'm a time lord. you have two hearts obviously your a time lord.how did you know I was a time lord how do you know time lords have two hearts. because they do in my dreams in my dreams there these people with two hearts called time lords and I Am one two in my dreams. this is very important j'adore is there any old family heirlooms with the writing from your dream on it like a watch or a Necklace. No no this is not real this is all a dream your not real the tardis is not real this is a dream and I'm going to pinch myself and wake up in bed on Baker Street ( see what I did there ) and every thing will be fine. no j'adore this is not the time to be doing this this is real i am real now please answer the question.yes fine here. and she rips a locket off her neck and Throws it in my hand she is a time lady I know it she just needs to them locket ok please j'adore just calm down and open the locket I hand her the locket and she slowly grabs it with her shacking hands all you haft to do is open this locket and I will explain every thing she slowly nods and says ok and opens the locket....

Ok every one tell me what you think please keep in mind that this is my first fanfic sorry if there where any Grammar errors I cloud always use new ideas so leave your Suggestions comments love ..... Meme

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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