Chapter 11: The End

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Dani's POV

"Dani!" Dani!" I heard a voice shouting. It sounded familiar.."Dani! Wake up!" It's Lauren..I opened my eyes slowly..then wide. I looked everywhere. I saw Lisa's beside across the room  and Lauren's bed above me. Wait, is this real?! I then sat up quickly. I touched my body. I didn't feel anything. Everything felt painless. "Dani are you okay?!" Lauren said, worried. can this can't be real?! I looked at Lauren. Is it real. I didn't get shot! I'm alive! Omg. It was just a dream! "Lauren..I just had the worst dream ever omg." I said, and sighed heavily with relief then laying back down on my bed. I put my hand on forehead. "Oh really? What was your dream?" Lauren asked, sitting next to me on my bed. I sat back up. "Well, it's a long story..but to say it in short..we went to the homecoming game..then I went missing into the lost cabin in the woods by the Malibu sharks high school where we watched the homecoming game..and then you and this guy found guys finally rescued from untying the rope from the pole..and right then when we were about to leave..we all got shot..and now I'm up." I said, thinking back to my dream. Lauren laughed "Oh Dani, wow what a dream! By the way there's no  woods in California. So, where did you get that idea from haha! It's always sunny here with palm trees! You had a pretty funny dream! Except the part where we got shot wow." Lauren said. "Yeah, what a dream!" I laughed. "Anyway it's homecoming game tonight, so..get up and let's go! Lauren said, excitedly. "Woah, I forgot today is homecoming game!" I said, remembering then confused. Because this feels like deja vu. "Maybe..the dream you had..was preparing for you to go missing in real life today, so let's go and make it come true! "Lauren!" I said, worried. I don't want to go missing. "Dani! I'm kidding! Remember Lisa, Amy, and Alex are going too? Don't worry! We just have to stick together!" Lauren said, she put one of her hands on my shoulder. "Oh yeah right..I forgot!" I said, happily I almost forgot again. Lauren laughed. "Come on get up! Let's get ready!" Lauren said, while pulling me up. So, I got up and got ready for tonight.

During, dinner it felt great to be just with the family. I looked around the table. Everyone's talking so loud haha of course. After, that opened up my eyes more. I mean anything could happen. And I know for sure I don't ever want to go missing. I love my family so much.

After, dinner Lisa, Amy, Alex, Lauren, and I headed to the homecoming game.
Once we got there..I got out of the car first and stood by the car for a moment while everyone else was getting out. I'm excited and I'm scared..hopefully that dream I had doesn't come true. What does that dream even mean anyway. Whatever it doesn't matter it was just a dream from my sleep. It it was a weird dream honestly. I should just stop thinking about and live in the moment right now.

When everyone got out of the car. We started walking towards the crowd of people to where the bleachers are at with more people.

Suddenly, someone bumped into me. No. No. This was in my dream. This can't be real! "Hey! Sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you." A guy said, starching his head. He looks cute and sounds sweet. "No you're fine!" I said, and smiled at him. "You sure?" He said. I could see his face was a little concerned. "Yeah, I'm sure." I said, still smiling. "Alright" he said, and turned the other back..away from the bleachers. Wait..why is he going that way? "Hey, can you guys wait right here!" I said, to Lisa, Amy, Alex, and Lauren. "Okay" they said, except Lauren. "Where are you going what about your dream?" Lauren said, still worried. "It's just a dream don't worry. Trust me. I'll be back." I said, to her. She looked at me for a moment. "Ok, be quick. I'm keeping my eyes on you." She said. "Okay!" I said, quickly so that I could catch up to the guy..which he wasn't that far from a distance yet. " "Hey, wait! Where are you going?" I said, asking him curiously. "I'm going back home.." he said. He looks disappointed. "Why?" I said, still curious. Well, my friends and I were supposed meet up to watch the game, but they didn't show up." He said. He sounds disappointed..that they didn't show up."Oh..well you can come join me and my sisters plus brother!" I said, happily and pointing to them waving. "That's nice of you..but I don't know..I mean are you sure?" he said, sounding concerned. "Yeah, I'm sure!" I said, cheerfully. He looked at them then at me then he smiled. "Sure! Why not?" he said, he said, and smiled. "Yasss!" I said, excitedly. "Oh yeah, I'm Dylan!" he led his hand to shake my hand. "I'm Dani!" I said, happily. "Nice to meet you Dani! Thank you for inviting me hang with you tonight!" He said, and smiled. "Yeah! No problem! Now, let's get going! Or else they will take all the seats!" I said, smiled at him then I quickly grabbed him by the arm.

Once we headed to the bleachers. We were right on time, and we found a perfect spot in middle. The game then started and announcers started to hype up the game! "Welcome everybody to Malibu High School homecoming game! Let's get this game started! Let's go Malibu sharks!" the announcers said with excitement. Everybody started to shout and cheer! Now this is different. I can feel the moment and good vibes. People kept on cheering and shouting  including me haha "Let's go Malibu Sharks!" I looked at Lisa, Amy, Alex, Lauren and Dylan right next to me. They were all so happy and cheering! There's no other place right now..where I would want to be. I took a deep breathe. Now this is real. I'm so happy. I continued to cheer on! This moment right now is everything.

The end!

Finally, the end. I am done with this story. It was all just a dream this whole time haha. Thank you for reading everyone! I really hope you guys enjoyed this story. Please vote and comment thank you! I did the best I could to write this story to make it what it is. I appreciate you guys for reading! I love you guys so much! Thank you so much for reading! I think this is it. The last Cimorelli fan fiction I've written. So, this means a lot to me because it took so long to finish and I've been a CimFam for so long! So, yeah this is it my last Cimorelli fan fiction. Another than that! Before I leave..I think I'm going to edit/fix my fan fictions! Then I'll be posting my final goodbye soon on here on Wattpad. For now..I really hope you guys did enjoy this story! And thank you so much again for reading! I love you so much! I can't believe this is it! I love Cimorelli so much they will always be I heart. Once a CimFam always a CimFam. CimFam4lyfe.

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