chapter nineteen: thea and roy growing closer

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Roy and thea got to central city , where they met Georgina jones Roy's stepsister and her boyfriend austin berkley ( in the show roy doesn't have a sister) roy: thea i like you to meet my stepsister Georgina and her boy toy Austin, austin: hello roy
Thea:you have a sister? Roy: no stepsister um, my dad and her mom(in the show this doesn't exist) they live in central city and that's where i'm heading. Thea: I'll come with you i would love to meet your dad roy: you would? Thea: yeah i would
Roy with Georgina and thea to his father's house
Roy knocked on the door, a man open the door Adam: hello
Roy: hey dad it's roy. Adam: oh , roy my boy how are you?
Roy: i'm good this is my girlfriend thea queen of star city
Adam: Thea queen of queen empire
Thea: no that's my well one of my twin sisters kiya Adam: wow how many siblings do you have?
Thea: 3 one brother and fraternal twin sisters kiya kira and a brother oliver adam: you must be the baby thea: they call me speedy well my brother oliver does he calls my sisters liz and beth and in return we call him ollie instead of oliver adam: you and your sisters must make fun of him thea: yeah and now my niece aimee say my ollie and gives us a look of not touchy my brother Adam: how old is she? Thea: four and wears sprite flavor smackers roy: wow she must love it thea: yeah and has a cute little purse that i bought her roy: i thought she had a monkey backpack Thea: she does but she doesn't like to wear it roy: oh that's too bad thea: yeah and she loves having fun
Thea moved into kiya's house and started to unpack her room kiya walked in kiya: so do you like the room austin thought you would like it thea: yeah i do thank you liz kiya: you're welcome speedy
Meanwhile in korea
Andy: you're happy we're home
Kira: yes before my mother gets out of prison and tries to find all of her children , Oliver's in central city under a name Jonas saunders , kiya and speedy are in central city and you and i are home and aimee needs to be around your family and not mine just yet andy: ok well i called my parents who has unpack our house kira: well, let's have dinner with them andy: ok let's go then

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