They had a task at hand: captur Maul to bring an end to this war. Right now they held a briefing and talked about their plans to conquer the enemy forces.

'Once we landed in the jungle we must still make our way through it. Our first target is the city Assarda in the south. When we're down the men rest and prepare for the attack while a team investigates the situation in the city.'

Anakin looked at the others. Everybody nodded.

'This sounds like a plan to me.' Rex stated.

'I agree. Padawans, inform the troops we'll be there soon.' Obi-Wan ordered.

'Yes, master.'

'I accompany you.' Rex said and the three left the bridge.

'I can feel your bond got stronger over the last weeks.' the older Jedi stated.

'Petro's and mine? Yeah, it did. It's not always an advantage though.'

'What do you mean?'

'Petro has a lack of respect sometimes, that's all. But I see Katooni is completely different. She seems to admire you.'

'I mean no offence, but I must admit that as a padawan she fits me better than you did.'

'I assume I was a lot to handle at their age, wasn't I?' Anakin grinned.

'Yes, but it often had good sides, too. Katooni often lacks the confidence she should have in her abilities. We're still working on that. By the way, how was your conversation with your padawan?'

'Oh well, he just told me there would be nothing to worry about.' Anakin hated lying to Obi-Wan, but he had no choice if he wanted to keep Petro's secret safe. Since his master turned his back on Ahsoka, he felt like he couldn't fully entrust him with such matters anymore.

'Don't worry. I'm sure he will tell you what's the matter sooner or later.'

'I'm sorry to interrupt you Generals, but we'll arrive shortly.' Admiral Yularen informed them.

The two jedi did not even recognise that they already had jumped out of hyperspace.

'Oh well, let's get down to the hangar.' Anakin was relieved that their conversation was over.

In the hangar the padawans already waited for their masters.

'Is everyone ready for take off?' Anakin asked.

'Yes master.'

Obi-Wan approached one of the bombers. 'Well, let's not waist any time.'

'Master, since when you're so eager to jump into action?' A very amused Katooni asked. Anakin smirked, also surprised.

'Let's say Maul and I have an old bill to pay.' Obi-Wan and Katooni entered one of the canon bombers while Anakin and Petro went to their Jedi fighters.

'Master, what did he mean by that?'

'Everthing began with the blockade of Naboo. Short version: Maul killed Master Kenobi's master, Qui-Gon Jin. In exchange Obi-Wan cut off Maul's legs but he survived somehow. Since this day they're kind of arch-enemies. So this battle could turn out to be interesting.'

Anakin jumped in his fighter, followed by Artoo.

'Are you ready, Petro?'

'Not quite. R3 is missing.'

Anakin already wanted to complain when he spotted the yellow astromech. He was rolling as fast as his small wheels allowed him to through the hangar towards Petro's fighter. 'There you are, buddy! We are ready for take off, master.'

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