Singing at the Recital

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"Evangeline! Stop that singing now! I cannot hear myself think!"

Hey Soul Sister,

I don't wanna miss a single thing you do,


I stepped out of the shower and turned off her stereo. I loved singing in the shower - regardless of the complaints my mother threw at me with when I stepped out every night.

"Evangeline! I've forgotten how many times I've told you but stop singing in the shower! Your Father and I need to work and we can't with you screeching down the stairs constantly!"

I used to take these compliments quite personally about my voice being bad because I had adored music and singing all my life; but now I just brush them off and ignore her.

"Eve! Not Evangeline! It's the 21st Century for gods sake! Not Victorian times!"

"Don't you dare talk back to me Evangeline!" I glared at her before retreating to my bedroom.

This was the usual argument that we had almost every night. I quickly got dressed and walked down the stairs into the movie room. Yes, we had a movie room and yes, we lived in a big mansion. My parents were the founders of His&Hers magazines and it was now a worldwide bestseller.

Sometimes I wished that my parents weren't rich. Weren't famous. I wished that they were just average, normal parents who supported their children through good or bad. My parents were suited for this high class lifestyle but it had it's downsides.

My parents expected Charlotte, Clarice, Edward and I to be perfect. Though for the record Charlotte was the perfect person. She had lots of friends and was stunningly pretty. I had always wished that me ans her where identical twins rather than mirror. She had long wavy white blonde hair while i had straight plain hair. I was basically the runt of the litter - Clarice was a little angel and Edward was always getting girls.

Clarice was in a school for the really brainy kids who would become the next Einstein and Edward was at university getting his drama degree. Whereas I attended a local comprehensive (after much deliberation with my Mum). I wasn't the perfect one so I was tossed aside by my father however my mother kept on trying to change me. Like pruning roses to get the bad out. And trust me that would take a long time until I budge.

I curled up on the sofa as I turned on Annie. I had love this film all the way through my childhood and had even took part in it in a play at my old school when I was younger. I would have played Annie if Patricia Feltz hadn't pushed me off the stage during a rehearsal. I couldn't exactly dance around on stage on crutches. Ever since then I've always held a grudge against Patricia. Baring in mind that this happened when I was 10 and I'm 18 now. Oh yes, I do no ever forget about things. Stubbornness is a main trait of mine - whether good or bad.

"Evangeline wake up! We need to go to Charlotte's dance rescital! I can't believe she's the lead!" My mother shook me and I fell out of my seat and onto my arm which is definitely going to be bruised in the morning.

Begrudgingly I walked upstairs and changed into a crop top with a high waisted skirt paired  with (much to my mother's disgrace) a pair of black converse. I whurried into my father's red Mercedes just as I put my phone inside my bag.

I plugged in my headphones in and tried to block out Charlotte's and Edward's (my brother and sister) argument on which chocolate was the best. Yes my, 19 year old sister and my 21 year old brother where arguing about music. Regardless of my brother's childish behaviour, he was actually a very good actor and was studying at a fine arts university in London.

"Capital is all adverts! Put Metro on!" Edward demanded.

"No! I like Capital!" Charlotte yelled.

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