Chapter 15: Ten Signs He's Cheating

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Charlotte let out a small laugh scanning some of the tips. Did girls actually believe this stuff?

#3 Girls you don't even know come up to him and flirt with him like they're best friends. Ladies, let us tell you. If she's such a good friend of his why haven't you heard of her or met her before?

Suddenly an image of Candice perched on the edge of Eli's desk flashed through her head. Charlotte frowned and turned the page quickly. She was being ridiculous and acting like her and Eli were a bloody couple!


Charlotte slammed the magazine shut and threw it across the table quickly. God what a depressing magazine!

'Cosmo a bit too much for you?' Chuck raised an eyebrow at the magazine lying on the floor between them.

Charlotte stood up with a huge sigh heading for the door, 'I'm going out for a waIk, I need some air.'

She heard Chuck mutter something faintly about teenage girls and how he would never understand them before she slammed the front door.


Charlotte's mind was going a million miles an hour as stormed down the street toward the small town centre of Winchester. She shook away thoughts the magazine was trying to tell her something, she wasn't a complete nut case. Although she needed to be realistic, just because Eli kissed her against the wall outside her house didn't mean anything. It was barely a real kiss anyway! It only lasted for a few seconds, and he'd told her it was because he was apologising. Her hands touched her mouth again before she realised what she was doing. She remembered the way his hands had touched her waist, how electric it felt.

She shook her head hoping no one could see her internal mind battle with herself because she probably looked stupid walking down the street shaking her head. Why did she even care? It's not like she had feelings for Eli...Did she? Being honest with herself, she thought he was gorgeous.

Sexy, confident and mysterious too...

Charlotte groaned, she totally wanted to kiss him again. Which was exactly why she needed to avoid him for a while. Get him out of her system.

She felt marginally better now that she had a plan of action and decided to do a little shopping in the small selection Winchester offered.

'Don't you dare touch me!'

Charlotte spun around at the angry female voice immediately spotting a young looking couple clearly having a domestic. They were in a heated argument and Charlotte noted with some unease the guy had gripped the girls arm and looked to be shaking her about.

'You need to calm down!' The man roared.

'You need to not screw my best friend!' The girl cried out finally breaking free of his hold. She leant up and took a swing at him but the guy dodged her easily.

Charlotte cheered the girl on from her vantage spot across the road.

'You know what? Fuck you Thalia, she was ten times better than you in bed anyway!' He yelled at her and took off down the street in a huff.

Charlotte froze, Thalia? She squinted over at the girl who'd now broken down in tears sinking to the ground in a heaped mess. Thalia as in Eli's sister Thalia? Charlotte looked around the street noticing she was the only one around. She could hardly leave the young girl sitting on the floor crying.

'Hey Thalia,' Charlotte approached the younger girl carefully. 'Are you ok?'

Ugh stupid question Charlotte, she scolded herself. The girl clearly just found her boyfriend slept with her best friend.

Don't Fall in Love in Witness ProtectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora