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Chapter 1- So Screwed

I had never experienced so much stress in my life.

Planning a 80th birthday party for my grandma wasn't really on my agenda for summer but the job was forced upon me by my mum. Apparently, it was a 'preparing me for the responsibilities I will have once I go to university' kinda job. I did have three whole months till those responsibilities had to kick in but it's not my mum cared.

I crossed the large front garden where the delivery men with the bouncy castle were still standing, even though I had told them to move it ten minutes prior. I did not have time for their shit especially since I was so busy. 

"Shift it more to the left!" I shouted at them, which caused them to move quickly to the left and dump the non inflated material there. I breathed out in relief that one job was done, and I pushed my hair back from my face.

Having been awake since six am that day, saying I was shattered would be the understatement of the year. My limbs, back, feet and head ached and I haven't even had the time to sit down and breathe

The summer day was passing through quickly with delivery vans coming in, catering companies bringing food and deck chairs, tables, and ice sculptures brought into the Hamilton household. My throat was dry from shouting and I snapped at a waiter to bring me some water. When he came back, I apologised for my rude behaviour as I felt guilty- it's not his fault I was cranky and tired. 

I sipped on the bottle of sparkling water and spit it out when I notice what is , wiping my mouth. Sparkling water was one thing I hated with a passion, I couldn't even get it down my throat.

"Yasmin, you enjoying this?" My little sister, Rachel, smirked as she leaned against the arched wall gate that lead into the gardens. Wearing a floral jumpsuit paired with nude kitten heels and hair curled into small waves, she looked like a model while I looked like crap. Oily, sweaty face and dressed in a old crop top and some shredded shorts.

"Oh, you're so lucky it isn't your turn this year! When I leave for university, this is your job not mine!" Our mother made an agreement with me that if I did it this year before university, my little sister would have to do it every other year until she went to university herself.

I smiled wickedly at the blonde who stormed away after glaring at me darkly, pushing past people in her way. Typical Rachel: ungrateful, bitchy and rude. At sixteen years old, the girl was a class A bitch. The genes got fucked up, all of our family except my father and her are nice and caring.

I chuckled at her childish behaviour, walking round to the front of the Georgian detached house that belonged to our family. 

It was such a beautiful one, with ivy laced into the dark burgundy bricks which cascaded down into the flower beds below. The building had a large oak front door and the whole estate was surrounded by an iron gate that started from the entrance that when opened, lead you up the driveway and to the house. Contrasting with the soft blue sky, it looked like it had been snatched out of a movie from the seventeen hundreds.

However, the gorgeous olden day look and feel stopped there. Many cars were parked round the house and our cars in the garage, a swing set from our childhood stood proudly in the front garden and there were too many people moving about for it to be a century ago.

Walking over to a table where I had left my checklist, I took a look at what else I had to do before my grandma arrived.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2016 ⏰

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