Words aren't enough, but it's a start

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So I was just sitting and thinking amidst my social media web and kind of felt like a cheater....I don't spend as much time with most of my best friends anymore, like the first real friends that I ever made, and some of them I feel like I totally abandoned. Then there was this other person that I had let my whole life revolve around. I thought about them allll the time, talked about them allllllllllllllllllllllll the time, and now I hardly ever talk to them and I feel really, really, really, really, really bad. I am scum. I am a bad friend. I need to make time for everyone. For my true friends. I claim to miss them dearly, but do I ever make any effort to talk to them, no. I get all self-absorbed into something else because I think "it's better". Or I meet new people and have a habit of abandoning the other before them that I called my friends, and I am truly, truly sorry for that. I aim to make amends and hope those of you who most likely know who you are can forgive me. I've ignored and destroyed great bonds of friendship and surely pissed some people off and wasted their time. It's kind of why I don't get into some things anymore, though I really want, but something, anything life, myself, responsibility will always get in the way and I'll make a mess of things. Once again, I am truly sorry and these words aren't anywhere near enough to express how sorry I am. Especially to those who may still consider me a friend. AGAIN, I beg for your forgiveness and swear to try and do better by ALL of you. It may not be now, it may not be tomorrow, but I swear I'll try. This note can't make up for the things I've done and the ways I've treated you, but it's a start.

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