Bucket List

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Bucket List

Kiss the moon

Have a successful snack company

Become a famous writer

Go to UK

Go to Australia

Have a book series that becomes a movie series and Lego set

Get a Nobel prize

Have something named after myself

Cameo in a video game

Makes movies, big ones

Become a rap writer (not a rapper)

Touch a platypus

*Eat popcorn

Learn what dark matter is

Invent forcefield

Creat trade route with alien race

Invent popcorn gun

Meet the president

Slap his face

Get kicked out of DC

Never go back

Swear revenge

Invent Nova bomb using dark matter

Start nuclear war with America

Become a super villain using all my money

Blow up the FBI

Get hunted by the Avengers or Justice League (depending on the universe)

Give them a monologue

They foil my plan

Go to plan B

Screw that up too

Go to plan C

There is no plan C

Go to plan D

Push them in my forcefield

Read them my book

They fall asleep

Escape to my secret hideout on the moon that I kissed

Send out a space probe

Discover alien race

Establish a trade route with alien race

Make even more money from trade route

Buy the whole moon

Turn moon into a tourist attraction/ weapon

Make even MORE money

Make alien army

Create new alien weapons

Threaten to destroy the Earth with my

new weapons and death moon

They realize that "that's no moon"

Earth leaders cry for mercy

They meet my demands

Become ruler of the Earth

Spread Earth's inter-stellar activity

Make even more money

Spread Earth's influence throughout the galaxy using political insides to change the favor of governments (like Stalin)

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