part15-i have to move on

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Bored bored bored siting in study hall doing this in stead of studying I mean I don't think it matters I'm a straight A+ student well - Lana out ✌

❤ Jack ❤
Well I've done everything to get her to like me flowers,candy, the business all of it and yet she still marryed to that Hans guy . he just makes my blood boil😈😈😈 but all my friends are saying that it got to be time to move on by now. I have met a couple of nice girls I mean none of them are sluts or nothing like that. Yah I'll set up a date with punzie she's a nice girl pretty but never as pretty a as miss Elsa winters.

..❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ 6 months later❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
It when great !!! I've decided to go and get the ring she's the one!!! I can just our happily ever after!!! Kids and all. But I want to Elsa before I finalize it I need to make sure I'm over her + her sister MIT be getting marryed soon is the news !!! I want to go and wish congratulations her 😇😇😇

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