"Well well, if it isn't Levi and the brat!" He bellowed.

"Drunk again, barbarian?" I looked up at him sweetly.

"Yes. I need a new woman for my cave." Daniel snorted and stumbled to the stairs.

Maddie kept watching her movie as I stood up to help the drunken teen. Daniel didn't protest as I hauled him up the stairs and too his room. He fell face first into his bed, beginning to snore loudly. Carefully turning his head to the side so he could breathe, I exited the room and descended the stairs back to Maddie. Once I sat back down Maddie snuggled against my side. Holding the sweet young girl I hummed gently as the movie soon came to an end. Looking at the time it was 10:55PM.

"Lets get you to bed Maddie, your mom will be home soon." I said as I lifted her up.

"Okay..." Maddie mumbled sleepily.

Walking up into her room I pulled the covers back with a free arm and laid her small body into the bed. Tucking her in she fell right to sleep. I turned her nightlight on and shut her light off gently closing the door. When I went downstairs I saw Daniel drinking coffee in the kitchen.

"Feeling better?" I asked sitting across from him.

"Kinda.. Why are you here?" He asked.

"To watch Maddie. Your mom said you didn't want to watch her." I explained.

"Yeah well.. This divorce shit has me on edge and I tend to take it out on mom." Daniel sighed.

"I noticed. Though you should stop drinking so heavily, you may end up dead or worse." I muttered.

All Daniel did was nod. Soon Mrs. Caster walked inside looking very happy. She noticed Daniel and I at the kitchen table. Smiling she walked over and paid me for the night.

"Thank you Levi! I will give you a call when I need you to watch Maddie again." Mrs. Caster chimed.

"Thank you. Goodnight Mrs. Caster, goodnight Daniel." I smiled and waved as I made my way out the door.

Walking home in the cool autumn air was nice. School had just started a week ago and I was already getting tons of worksheets to do. Once I got inside my house I was greeted by my small, fluffy, orange and gray kitten. She was adorable and had big green eyes. Mewing up at me, I reached down and scooped her up to carry to my room. I was careful not to wake my aunt as I walked into the hallway. Opening my door and shutting it behind me I set my kitten down on my bed.

"What are you still doing up, Ember?" I asked my kitten as I took off my shoes and hoodie.

Ember mewed up at me again this time standing on her tiny hind legs with her front paws in the air, waiting to be picked up once more. Picking her up I went back to my desk and woke my computer back up. Ember stared at the moving butterflies that I had for a background. Clicking on my Internet browser, I went to my favorites and clicked on the Chatroom.

You have signed in!

NightWalker- No King, I have never heard of Jailbait. Hey Kitten!

DrownKing- The fuck Night! Why not? It means if you keep going after the guy you like you'll go to jail! If someone calls the po-po on your ass you'll be some bitches' bitch! Hey Kit!

MidnightKitten- Da fuck I walk in on? Where is Twi and Dragon?

NightWalker- Twi is getting something to eat and I haven't seen Dragon :( plus King is being mean!

DrownKing- How am I being mean?!

TwilightQueen- King be nice. Hey Kitten, sorry I didn't call.

MidnightKitten- It's okai~ ^.^ you not calling actually helped. I was watching Finding Nemo.

Dragon has signed in!

NightWalker- Dragon! He lives!

TwilightQueen- Hello dear.

Dragon- Hello Night, Twi, Kitten, Drown. How are you all tonight?

MidnightKitten- Good! Yourself? You weren't at school today. :(

TwilightQueen- He wasn't? Are you okay Dragon?

NightWalker- What's wrong Dragon?! Also King is being mean to me!

DrownKing- I am not! Stop complaining like a little bitch just cause I'm right.

Dragon- Sorry Kitten. I wasn't feeling too good so mom made me stay home. Drown stop being mean to Night. I'm okay Twi I promise. I'll see Kitten and Drown tomorrow.

MidnightKitten- Yay! I don't have to spend all day with someone who picks on Night! Lolz. I should head to bed, Ember is getting sleepy and so am I. I'll see y'all tomorrow! <3

Dragon- Goodnight.

TwilightQueen- Goodnight dear.

NightWalker- Night night!

DrownKing- Night hun.

You have signed out.

Pushing my chair back, Ember mewed in protest. She tried to get comfortable in my lap again only to have me move her to the bed. Standing up and peeling out of my clothing and bra I reached on the floor to grab the night shirt. It was large and baggy on me since it had been my fathers'. Sighing I climbed into my soft red comforter feeling Ember climb her way up to my head. Seeing her big green eyes made me giggle as I reached up and shut my lamp off. Shutting my eyes I soon found myself sucked into the darkness.

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