Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"Come on Lev keep up." My father said as we walked with mom along a stone path.

"I'm coming daddy!" I called as I ran with a bunch of wild flowers in my small hands.

My mother smiled softly as I ran up. My father stopped and crouched down to be eye level with me. I held up my hands to show him the colorful wild flowers I had picked.

"Wow Lev, those are beautiful. Did you get those for mommy?" He asked.

"Yeah!" I chimed and held them up to my mother.

"Aww. Thank you Lev, they're almost as beautiful as you my sweetheart." My mother said sweetly as she took the flowers.

I blushed as I smiled sweetly up at her. My father smiled and held one of my hands as we walked back to the car. Climbing into my carseat like a big girl, my mother buckled me in as my father started the car. My mother got in and buckled up as well.

"Should we go get ice cream Lev?" My father asked.

"Yeah!" I shouted happily.

"Mark, you'll spoil her supper." My mother scolded.

"Oh come on Lila, she worked up an appetite and it will only be a small cup." My father assured.

"All right." She sighed.

Soon my father was driving to the ice cream shop in town. Once we arrived, my mother helped me out. The three of us walked into the ice cream shop, my father ordered for the three of us. Two other men walked into the shop and pulled out guns.

"Everyone on the floor!" One screamed.

My mother dropped to the ground, pulling me with her. My father turned around to the men and put his hands up.

"There's no need for this.. It's just a small ice cream shop." My father told the men.

"Shut the fuck up or I'll shoot!" The other sneered.

"I don't think you-" My father was cut off as a loud shot fired off.

My father hit the floor bleeding out of his head. My mother and I screamed as we watched. My mother stood up to smack one of the men only to be shot herself. Blood pooled around her soft brown hair making it look black. Crying I stayed on the floor as the men robbed the ice cream shop.

I shot up out of the dream in a cold sweat. I haven't had that dream in a long time and I hated it every time. Ember laid sleeping soundly on my pillow. I glanced at the clock to see it was only 3:30AM. Sighing I got up and went to my computer quickly going to the Chatroom and glancing at the 'Online' list. Twi, Dragon, and DrownKing were still online and the only three who knew my real name. They knew me like the backs of their hands. Logging in quickly, I needed to calm down, and these were the only three who could help.

You have signed in!

DrownKing- Kitten what's wrong? Are you okay?

MidnightKitten- I'm... Not so great. I had the nightmare again...

Dragon- You gonna be okay Lev?

MidnightKitten- Yeah I'll be okai, just needed peoplez to talk too.

Dragon- Okay. I was gonna head to bed, Twi already passed out. You gonna be okay?

DrownKing- Get some sleep Rian, I got her.

MidnightKitten- Sweet dreams Rian!

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