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    It was the first day of school, jungkook Jumped out his bed and put on his school uniform that he had prepared last night.He felt very tense the anxiousness kept him from falling asleep, not just because it was the first day of school as a freshman but because today was a very important day,a day in which could change the way he spent the rest of his days, no not days but the rest of his life.As he looked in the mirror and fixed his tie he thought to himself "okay Jungkook don't mess this up" his thought were suddenly interrupted by his mother calling him down stair for breakfast.
  He quickly ate the food his mother had prepared for him and hurried out the front door.As he got closer to the school his breath shorted by each step he took.Jungkook hesitate to enter the school entrance,overcomes his insecurity and comes in.He dashes into the classroom avoiding any eye contact with his classmates and sits in the middle row,The class Was very quiet it made him remember the promise Taehyung had made to him two years ago.Jungkook and Taehyung were best friends since elementary, durning their 6 grade year in middle school Taehyung parents divorced.As a result tae had to move from the state because his mother lived abroad .So Taehyung had promised Jungkook that he would return for high school .His thoughts were cut short when his teacher opened the door and introduced himself to the class.Jungkook palms started to sweat he was scared that Taehyung might be sitting Across from him, without a second thought Jungkook turned and looked around the room hoping for tae to be there but there was only unfamiliar faces.He turned back in disappointment for there was no beloved Taehyung,he knew that he was getting his hopes up for nothing but part of him still hoped that Taehyung would be there.Jungkook sat there in disappointment though the whole class.It was finally lunch break and Jungkook had brought two lunches that he had cooked and neatly prepared himself, one of them was for Taehyung he was planning to give one to him and after that spend the rest of the lunch break talking about what had happened in those two years that they weren't together in.But yet he sat their in disappointment.He felt a tap on his back and turned to see an orange hair kid looking back at him."Hey what's up with those two lunches you got there"? Asked the orange hair kid"their ah-um,one was for my friend but he isn't here".Jungkook with a discourage face looks at the kid "here you can have it ". The orange hair kid drags his chair towards the disappointed Jungkook,And sits across from him. The kid introduces himself as jimin and they get along well.When all of the sudden Jungkooks phone buzzes and He takes out his phone to see it was no other then taehyung.Jungkook glanced at his phone and saw the text message that read "hey jungkook,am sorry am late meet me downstairs by p.e .Jungkooks knees started to shake his hands began to sweat,Jimin notice this and tried to ask what was wrong but before he could Jungkook had already left. Jungkook  rushed out the doors and into the hallway he reached the stairs that lead straight to p.e and froze when he saw a blonde hair boy tying his shoes  "Tae-Taehyung"

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