Morning of April 4/14/16

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Two days Ago
It was an average morning, just leaving the scene of a shooting. Inside was an aqurium. With the loch ness monster hidden away underneath. Sadly had to shoot it. It was causing too much of a scene. Boss wont be happy.

As I climbed into a garage to sleep last night I heard an owl speek to me. He said " Honeydue water melons." That reminded me of the nearby grocery store Hyvee. I climbed into the back of a red pick up truck and rode away. The wrong way. Before I knew it I was asleep on the ground. In a pig pen in South Dakota.
I walked a mile or so and walked into a gas station. On the walls were pictures of the bosie state broncos. Had I walked that far already. I picked up a couple cans of Monster and a chex mix  bag. I walked down isle 9 and it was full of dog dung. I could hear over the monitor"Clean up on isle 9." And bring a shovel."

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