Tom & Chase.

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That was all Tom wanted. I felt bad.

But if I let Zayn die, then I couldn't live with myself.

Tom was walking quietly down the park by himself with his hands in his pockets.

I could see what he was thinking... Back then, everything was perfect.

I watched as he kicked the rock with his shoes and continued walking.

When Tom got far enough in the park he was by a area cover by trees and the beautiful sunlight was flashing towards his body.

I narrowed my eyes at something he grabbed from his pocket.

My jaw dropped. He held a small bottle of vervain in his hand.

What was he planning?

Was he about to hurt himself?

I knocked the glass out of his hands. But I knew he didn't see me.

The bottle fell and broke in pieces, the vervain was surrounding the broken glasses.

He just stared plainly at it.

"Please understand Tom.." I said placing my hand onto his back.

"Chase?" Tom said as he looked at the other boy who was looking directly at him back.

"Kayla told me, that Claudia is now in a better place. She is always by our side and always will be no matter what. We have to learn that this is reality. She's gone Tom, she could even be right here in this very spot with us. She would want you to be stronger. Don't sit there think about hurting yourself. She would be disappointed." Chase said holding out a hand that held my necklace.

"Zayn gave it to us. But me and Kayla think you should keep it. As a reminder that she maybe dead but she is always in our hearts. You deserve the necklace. More than all of us."

I looked down at my lap. They were 14 and 15 now. They are more mature than they should be. But I can't be there for them.

It only seems that I can't move on yet.


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