3 - Oh, It Is Love

Start from the beginning

Even when Niall insists Harry have the bed sole bed, Harry will end up curled up on his chest on the couch not caring that there's a perfectly comfortable bed in the bedroom.

Harry will somehow make himself smaller to mold himself into Niall's side. He'll nuzzle at the blonde's cheek until he feels calloused fingers rubbing gently at his cat ears. And god, it fills Harry with such adoration for the boy.

"Take a nap. I'll wake you up when everything is ready." Harry insists gently pushing Niall by the shoulders onto the bed.

"Okay." Niall doesn't put up a fight the minute his head hits the pillow.

In the kitchen, Harry is working to make something that'll impress Niall. He smirks to himself knowing that Niall isn't very hard to please in the food department.

The curly-haired boy pulls the ingredients for spaghetti even going as far to make salad while the sauce comes to a nice boil. Everything was coming together perfectly and Harry couldn't be more excited.

The table was set, candles lit, and all Harry had to do was wake up Niall.

It was just past seven, the sun was almost gone giving way to a beautiful full moon hidden behind stubborn gray clouds. It made the flat dark much to Harry's delight. He felt like it set the mood just right, the mood of romance.

Harry scampered on towards the room where Niall was passed out on his back, the pillows pushed aside.

The green-eyed boy bit his lip. He didn't want to wake Niall up. He knew how hard the boy worked and how much he needed his rest. He looked so knackered as he snores softly. Harry couldn't bear the thought of rousing him from sleep.

So reluctantly, he shuffled back outside and ate alone, making sure to place all the left overs in the fridge for when Niall eventually woke up.

That night Harry crawled into bed beside Niall tucking himself beneath his arm to share his warmth.

Subconsciously the blonde pulled Harry close. This time it was Niall who cuddled against Harry. Generally it made more sense since Niall was the smaller of the two.

The simple gesture had his belly doing flips as Niall's warm breath hit his collar bones. Harry didn't want to miss a moment of it. He fought sleep just to hold the boy in his arms.

Eventually exhaustion took over and all Harry could do was hope that he woke up with the lad still in his embrace.

Early next morning, Niall was the first to wake up. It was a sweet change to wake up cuddled into Harry instead of vice versa. There were so many things he enjoyed about the situation. There was Harry's chiseled biceps strong around him, Harry's snores that were bordering on being too loud to be endearing, and the way the taller lad seem to be keeping quite a grip on him as if he was afraid Niall would leave.

It made Niall's heart skip a beat how protective Harry seemed to be.

"Harry?" Niall whispered, one of his hands scratching at Harry's scalp, just beneath on of the gray kitten ears.

A deep rhythmic purr rumbled deep in Harry's throat bringing a lovely smile to Niall's face.

"Harry...? My sleepy cat..."

"I-I'm your cat?" Harry's green-eyes slowly opened.

Niall blushed at Harry's attractive morning voice. He didn't think the brunette's voice could get any deeper or raspier than it already was.

And god was it rather sexy.

"I-Well...if you want to 'cause you don't have to be..." Niall rambled shyly.

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