Chapter 24

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Randy and I had to part. He had shows to do and since I did such a good job down at NXT, Billy Gunn wanted me to go to Tough Enough and help them with stuff. It was a good thing they had just started the competition. They wanted me to be a coach and I was happy with that. At least I was doing something instead of just sitting around. Randy was happy for me too and that felt good.

I walked into the place they were having the Tough Enough judgement and I instantly found people I knew. Chris Jericho was the host, Renee Young was the host of Tough Talk, Bill Gunn, Lita and Booker T were all coaches along with me. Then there was Paige, Daniel Bryan and Hulk Hogan as the judges.

"Katie." Renee said. She walked up and hugged me. "I'm so glad you're here. Billy was telling all of us how you were down at NXT with all of those people and I feel sorry for these competitors if they get on your bad side."

"Oh, I'm gonna push them." I said. We talked for a little bit and then I went to get ready. The show started and I found Lita, Billy Gunn and Booker T. They already picked the competitors so now it was time for the challenges.

"Hey Katie." Lita said. We hugged. "You look absolutely great. How far along are you?"

"Thanks so you do. Um, I'm about four months." I said.

"Wow. Well it's great to you and your little Orton sidekick here with us." she said.

"It's great to be here." I told her.

We all sat there talking for a little while and then drove to a huge field with a bunch of stands. It was the site of WrestleMania 24.

I stood by Lita at the end as the competitors came out. This was the first time they were seeing me so their faces when they did were priceless. Some of them couldn't believe I was here while pregnant but they had no idea what was in store for them.

"Guys, welcome to WWE Tough Enough boot camp. You guys are the thirteen finalists and I wanna say give yourselves a round of applause." Booker said.

"You know, in this male dominated world, the women have it even tougher. Are you gonna show the world you're just as tough as the males?" Lita asked.

The girls cheered.

"As I look at you all today, I do believe we have a future WWE Superstar here. But the thing is, what are you gonna do to separate yourself from the pack?" Billy asked.

"Right now I got a little surprise for you. Check it out." Booker said.

Chris Jericho showed up on the giant screen and talked to the competitors. Once he was done the coaches looked at me.

"It's real simple guys, you go big or go home and we're all gonna be very hard on you. You may like us and you may hate us but by the end of this competition we are gonna see who is truly tough enough." I said.

Booker went on to explain their very first challenge. Billy and myself went all the way up to the top of the stands and it was not as low as it looked. It was huge. Billy had a bullhorn and started telling them what they were gonna do with the stands. He handed the bullhorn to me.

"Alright everybody, you get it? Are you tough enough?" I yelled. They cheered. "Prove it!"

They all went and ZZ was at the rear. I could tell he was not gonna make it. Tanner was in the lead and that was impressive. He kind of reminded me of Seth. Ew. That's not what I wanted. I just hoped he didn't have the same kind of attitude.

Tanner made it to the top and the ladies were still running but most of the guys were still on the field trying to drag the bag of sand across the field. I shook Tanner's hand. "Nice job." I said. ZZ was still in the rear. I looked at Billy. "Who is this guy?" I was referring to ZZ.

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