I hate drama. But I did listen when Riley was telling me about her date with Chase. He sounds like a great guy. I'm happy for her.

I walked out and thought about my guy. He said he had practice so he would call me afterwards. I still haven't heard from Nick or Sam either. I don't know what they're planning but I have to watch out.

I got to my car and threw my stuff in the back and got in.

I got home and my brother's home. Great! I have to deal with him.

"Hey," he said.

"Hey," I said.

"Mom and dad left and I'm about to leave," he said.

"And where do you think you're going?" I asked while putting my hand on my hip.

"Out with the guys," he said.

"Fine. Don't get arrested. Don't do things you're gonna regret,' I said like a mother.

"Yes mom," he said.

I just roll my eyes and he leaves. So I just sit on the couch and watch F•R•I•E•N•D•S.

"PIVOT! PIVOT! PIVOT!!" Ross said.

Hahahaha!!!!! I love this show!

Then my phone rang. Of course it was Harry.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey babe," he said.

"Oh Hey. How was practice?" I asked.

"Eh. It was ok. Listen I need to tell you something. Do you mind if I come over?" He asked.

"Uh. Sure," I said kinda unsure.

"Ok. I'll be there in 5 minutes," he said.

"Ok. I'll see you later," I said.

"Ok bye," he said.

"Bye," I said then hanging up.

Wow. He sounded serious. Something's bothering him. I could tell in his voice. I try to pay attention to the Tv but I keep thinking about Harry.

He might want to break up with me. Well if he does then he does. I guess he was flirting with me and then be a temporary girl. This wouldn't have been the first time.

Well if he does want to end it, I just have to get over it. Just another heartbreak.

I hear a knock at the door. Well here we go. I open the door and there he stands. With his beautiful, green eyes and his curls that I love so much.

I felt an aching in my chest. I'm going to miss him so much if he says what I think he says.

Harry's P.O.V

I walk to her door and knock. I have to tell her. I just have to.

She opened the door and I smiled.

"Hey," I said.

"Hey," she said.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

"Of course," she says.

I walk in and say," well I really do need to tell you something."

"Yeah. You told me that," she said.

"Yeah. Listen I've been thinking about my future and I really wanted to sing," I said.

"Ok," she said.

"So I signed up for a singing competition," I said.

"Really? That's great Harry!" She said while hugging me.

"Yeah. And I leave in a month," I say while hugging back.

"Oh well at least we have time together," she said.

"Yeah. We do," I say.

"I love you so much Harry," she says.

"I love you too Breanna. So much," I say.


HELLO ALL YOU AMAZING READERS!!!!! Well here's an update. First I'd like to say that I have seen This Is Us and IT'S AMAZING!!

Also I went to the dentist and ended up with rubber bands on my braces and I HATE THEM!

Finally, I know I've been saying and saying this for I don't know how long. I really would love it if y'all would comment.

Y'all have to start reading my author notes. I will say when the end is near and after the final chapter I will put an author note about the sequel.

OH AND! If y'all want a spoiler alert about the end I'll need about let's say. 10 comments. And how about 5 more votes. I know y'all can do it.


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