Lilly and Madyson

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~A best friend isn't someone who is just always there for you, it's someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself~

"I can't believe the trip is finally here!"my best friend Lilly exclaimed. Her and I had been planning a trip to Hawaii ever since seventh grade, when we met, now we're going into our second year of high school, it's summer now.

"I know, it sort of feels like we're not really doing it!" I say back. Lilly and I have been best friends ever since the summer of eighth grade, when she was the only one who noticed me acting different. I'm sure other people noticed but she was the only one who it seemed like cared. She had only known me for a year and was the one person who decided it was a good idea to ask me what was going on. I had been feeling super lonely, and like no one cared, yeah, I had other friends, but I didn't feel like they really supported me or tried to understand me enough. One day Lilly just came to my house out of the blue, she had only been there once when I invited her to my birthday party, she gave me a huge hug right as I opened the door, and asked me what was wrong. I began to cry and we spent the whole day talking, it went from a talk about my feelings to a talk about everything. That's when we became best friends, we just clicked, she really understood me, and I understood her, we were meant to be. We've been together ever since.

We handed the lady our tickets and walked on the plane, we sat in the very back, obviously together. Lilly whipped her head in my direction so fast that her blond hair flew around her face, covering her light green eyes.

She brushed aside her hair and, full of excitement, said, "I just remembered we got our school paper things today, I think we're in the same core!"

"Well hand them over, they always send them to your house so don't even try to trick me that you don't have mine!" I say back, mirroring her excitement.

She grabs her bag and quickly pulls them out, pretty much throwing mine in my face. we count to three and rip open the envelopes in perfect unison, yelling out or cores at the exact same time,

" Emerald!"


We giggled and high fiver each other as we got looks and a few "ssssshhhh"s from other passengers, normally I would've been embarrassed, but I'm always more confident when I'm with Lilly.

The flight attendants started doing their usual routine of showing us how to use the life jackets and everything, but as usual, me and Lilly just tuned them out and got lost in our own conversation.

" What should we do first?" I ask,

" Take surfing lessons, definitely, isn't that the first on the list we made, maybe we should just go in order of the list and check things off as we go," I pick up my bag and pull out our list that we've been writing for what we will do in Hawaii, we've been writing it ever since we decided to go,

" You're right, we should follow the list, and also, surfing is first! How are you so amazing?!?!" I said the last part in a weird voice that made us both giggle.

"Gurl, I was bourn this waey!" Lilly says, using a strange accent that she obviously made up.

"Here, take the list, Lil, I'm gunna get my iPhone so we can listen to music, tell me what's next on the list."

"Kay, after surfing we have to go scuba diving."

I finish getting my earphones untangled and hand one to Lilly, as I'm stuffing the list back in my carry-on the plane starts to move. Now begins our long journey, we never really talk on plane rides, just listen to music, but it is most definitely not uncomfortable, in fact, Lil and I might even say silence is our best conversation.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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