Best friends

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Dear best friends,

Do you remember the girl who was so happy when she came to school?? The one that stayed and listened to you and looked up to you all?? She believed in change, that ordinary, no good, people could change. You wondered why she tried so hard sooooo hard to stay with that guy she dated even though he hurt her. It's because she believed in change she believed in him and even though you wouldn't accept him like she did. She loved him and she still does and because you wouldn't accept him he shut down emotionally. He was the thing keeping your best friend breathing. Last night she couldn't sleep because she had nightmares of him. That guy that used to get on your nerves and that you were tired of hearing his name your friend would've died for. Don't expect long, thriving conversations anymore. She's shutting down and she won't try to make you happy. She'll still be with you physically but emotionally she's drifted to hell.

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